Chapter 9

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P.S. This book is coming to a close, in about 3-5 chapters. There will be a sequel. 

Allison POV

When we walk into the club, the first thing I hear is the extremely loud music.

Niall is grasping my waist while we walk in, and everyone else crowds around us.

Inside the club is massive, and dark. There are few lights, and there many people in here. Girls are grinding against guys, and many people in here are half naked and drunk, or at the bar about to be drunk.

Everyone goes to sit down at empty booth and I go to follow them, but not before Niall drags me off to the bar.

He orders some drink that I don't know what it is, then the bartender comes back with seven or eight shots.

Niall hands me one, and I hesitantly take it. I awkwardly hold it, not sure what to do with to do with the shot he handed me. I've never had alcohol before, so I have no idea.

Niall is about to down his, but he notices my extreme awkwardness, and puts his shot down. He puts his hands on my hips, and forces me to look at him.

"Allie, you've never had anything to drink before, right?" he asks.

I nod, too nervous to speak. I honestly don't know why I'm nervous. I am worried about what will happen tonight if (more like when since I'm with the guys) I get drunk.

"You'll be fine, okay?" he says. "Nothing bad is going to happen."

He takes his hands off my hips, and hands me the shot.

"I'm going to count to three, then we'll down 'em", he explains.

I only nod.

"One, two... three!" he says, then downs the drink.

I drink the shot, letting the liquid burn down my throat.

"How do you feel?" Niall asks.

"I feel great!" I say, suddenly no longer nervous.

Niall laughs.

He hands me the second shot, and we take those as well.

We finish off the rest of them, and I immediately feel buzzed.

What happens afterwards I don't really remember and I think it might be better that way.


When I wake up, I feel horrible. I have a terrible hangover, and it feels like I desperately need a long hot shower.

I look around at my surroundings, and see that I'm in a bed that doesn't look like mine. I also see that mine and someone else's clothes are scattered around the floor. This happens to be the same time I realize that I'm naked. I panic.

I look to my left, and see a flop of hair that is clearly belongs to a male. I sit up, and tiredly rub my eyes. The curtains are open in the room, and I realize that the boy in my room is Niall and I worry less about what might have happened. I slowly see that I'm in Niall and Harry's room. At least I got home last night...

I lamely try to get my clothes off the ground, but I start to feel sick and run off to the bathroom outside of their room.

I empty the contents of my stomach into the bowl for a few minutes. I stand up, and wash out my mouth in the sink. I leave Niall in his room and go to my own.

I go into my bathroom and take atleast an hour long shower. I can hear someone knocking on the door, but I don't answer them. It feels like someone is knocking on my head, and not on the door.

They Don't Know About Us. **A Niall Horan Love Story**Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu