Chapter 5

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Allison POV- 

"Allie", someone whines. 

"Allllliiiiieeeee, wake up!" the same person whispers to me. 

I slowly get up. I see Niall, and he's trying to get me up for something. I check my phone, and it's 5 am. 

"What happened? Does Liam have another injury from a spoon?" I mumble, since it's way too early to be up right now. 

"No, no, I don't believe so. Go get ready!" Niall says, shoving me into the bathroom. 

"What? Why?" I ask, highly confused. 

"Please just get ready. We're running late!" Niall says, and shuts the door. 

What the heck is going on with him?

I quickly take a shower, and shove on some a red high low dress, a skinny braided brown belt, a necklace, some white vans, and put my hair into a top know on the top of my head. Finally I put on a denim shirt as a jacket and grab my white and leather backpack because I have no clue as to where Niall is taking me. 

I walk into the living room, to see Niall there, sitting there scrolling around on his phone. 

"Hey Niall, do I look okay? Where are we even going?" I ask him. 

He looks up from his phone, and answers me. 

"You look great, and I can't tell you where we're going, it's a surprise", he says, and grabs my hand. 

He leads me out of the flat, and over to his car. 

We get into the car, and he drives us over to a park and grabs a basket out of the back of the car. 

Being childish, we race each other over to the highest tower in the playground, and we eat breakfast there, which happens to be Nando's. 

"Oh wow, thanks", I joke. 

"Are you saying you don't love Nando's?" Niall asks, faking to be hurt. 

"What? I love Nando's! How couldn't I?" I say. 

"True, it is impossible to not love Nando's", he says, and takes a bite out of his chicken. 

We finish our food, then we go down the slide and run over to the swings. 

There's this massive swing there, and it looks like it easily fit two people. I sit on one half of the swing, sitting one way, and Niall sits on the other, sitting in the opposite direction so that we face each other. 

"Hey! The park isn't open!" I suddenly hear someone shout.

Niall and I turn our heads to look at who said that, and we see an extremely fat police officer running towards us. He's holding a doughnut, and he's running right for us. I almost laugh at the sight. 

"Crap! We have to go! Run!" Niall says, hopping off the swing and making a dash for the car.

I run after him and swiftly jump into the passenger seat of his car. Niall turns the car on, and speeds out of the park. When we are far away from the park and at a red light, we look at each other and burst out laughing. 

 "Oh my god, I didn't think that would happen!" I laugh. 

"Me neither! I didn't think police officers could be so fat either!" he chuckles. 

Just remebering the sight of the officer, has me in a fit of laughs all over again. 

After we've calmed down, I ask him where we're going next. 

They Don't Know About Us. **A Niall Horan Love Story**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora