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She was stuck.

"You have come to a point where you can't run nor hide anymore, dear," Said Fiona, she made a few steps toward Deborah, the light streak never leaving her.

"The funny thing is, only your true age will return, the people you have recreated will remain the same."

Frankie swallowed nervously. He wouldn't want to be in her situation. He looked at his grandfather and he seems like he couldn't for transformation. Why won't she hurry up?

"What about my -my sister!?" Deborah asked. Not only did Frankie become tongue-tied, but he gasp.

"Sister?" He never thought his wife would keep such a secret from him. He thought she was alone like he was.

"Don't worry about anything Frankie, your grandfather will return to you normal tomorrow. Your wife will stay with us, just in case Deborah refuses to cooperate, pray to your God, that she doesn't."

The light disappear and so did she. Deborah dropped to the grown, tears streaming down her face.
Her head in her lap, she was ashamed beyond words to look at Frankie.
She was bitter the same. If Frankie didn't marry her sister then maybe things would have been alright.

"Stay away from me," She hissed at him.

"You will get ready to cooperate, because I need my wife back home with me," That was all he could say.

"I'm not so sure, I will survive the Transformation. I'm way too old for that." The dog said, walking around and bowing down its white head.

Then it hit Frankie hard; he hasn't told him about his alive grandmother. Why would Altana want to help the same man she bewitched?


The big day is coming. Would his grandfather survive?

I'm trying here, I haven't updated in a while, because I was kinda lost on what to write, as you can see for yourself.

I'm just here writing something for the kids...the younger kids. I have no idea how it's going, so thank you for your time.

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