Chapter 16: Which to Believe

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Once we reached home, I went straight to my room. I placed my bag and change my clothes. Then, I went to the opened window, watching the stars in the sky. It was a peaceful and beautiful night. But then, I remembered that guy's words.

"I also heard that you had amnesia and forget everything. Wonder where is your real guardian. Maybe they hate you till the point they didn't want to meet you!"

Was he... right? Do my family really hate me? Abandoned me? But why would they do that? Did I do something wrong before?

More questions came in my mind until I didn't realised Mr. Aizawa entered the room.

"What were you staring at?"

I got surprised and snapped out of my thoughts. I quickly turned back and looked at him.

"N-Nothing, Mr. Aizawa."

He looked at me for a minute before joining me watching the stars. I also turned back and watched the night sky. It was quiet between us until Mr. Aizawa decided to start the conversation.

"Something's bothering you. You can share it with me. Maybe it can makes you feel better."

I looked down before decided to tell him everything. From the incident in front of the class's door to all of my thoughts about the people who knew me before. About where were they when I need them the most. Do they really care about me? I told everything to Mr. Aizawa.

After I'd finished, I looked at Mr. Aizawa. He looked like he was trying to control his anger. Then, he looked at me.

"I can't say that he was completely wrong. There's a possibility to the thing he said."

I looked down, upset.

"But you musn't forget that there's a lot of thing that could possibly happen in this world."

I looked at him again, interested with what he was going to say.

"Like what?"

"Maybe something happen to them that makes them unable to meet you. If you think back, you were found unconscious and bleeding. What if the people you knew were also injured and tried to save you from whoever villain that attacks you guys? Now you're safe, but we still don't know their condition. Whether they're safe, captured or..."

He stopped. Maybe because he didn't have the courage to say the word. But even so, I understand what he was trying to say. Then, he continued.

"The other possibility is that maybe they were trying to protect you."

"Protect me?"

He nodded.

"Yup. Maybe someone who had a grudge on your family tried to take revenge by killing you. That's why, they sacrificed their time with you to find and defeat the villain so that you will be safe. Maybe the villain was the one who cause your injuries, making you having memory loss.

Or maybe they were hiding the fact that they know you."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why would they do that?"

"Who knows. Maybe they were on a very secret and dangerous mission that make them need to hide their true identity? Hide the fact that they know you? Maybe if someone knows that you related to them, not just theirs but your life also in danger."

I tried to process every possibilities. After hearing all those possibilities, I realised that there were many possibilities other than they hating and abandoned me.

"Or maybe they are just cowards who weren't ready to meet you because they have done something awful to you."

Eh? The last possibility sounds kinda right to me. But why?

"Like I said, there's many possibilities that could happen. The question is which one you believe? You're the only one who knows the answer."

Then, I decided to ask him the question I'd been meaning to ask.

"Mr. Aizawa. Some of the possibilities you stated just now sounds like the people who knows me are heroes. I mean protecting me, finding and defeating villains. Weren't those kinda like a hero's job?"

"Yup. You once said you wanted to be a hero because you feel familiar with hero's works, right? Because you feels like it was one of your ways to bring back your memories.

If you think back, there's a possibilities that you were surrounded by heroes. The people who knows you were heroes. Maybe that's why you feel familiar with heroes."

Now that I think about it, Midoriya once also said that maybe someone related to me were heroes.

Then, I saw Mr. Aizawa walking towards the door.

"Well then, it's already midnight, better sleep now unless you wanted to wake up late tomorrow."

After saying that, he walked out of the room and closed the door. I was still thinking about Mr. Aizawa's question.

Which one I believe? I thought.

Suddenly, I got a message from someone. No, it's not just a message but also... a video? It's from Uraraka.

I watched the video and to be honest, I was surprise. I never seen Midoriya this mad before. But then, I felt happy because he stood up for me. But seriously, that was unnecessary. I sweatdropped.

Adter that, I decided to reply to Uraraka's message.

[Well, that was unexpected.] - Bbb

[I know right! But it's understandable since he was trying to stand up for you.] - Uraraka

[Seriously, that was unnecessary.] - Bbb

[Well, I guess he will do anything for his best friend.] - Uraraka

[And I will do the same to him. I owned him anyway. Thanks for the video Uraraka. Let me guess, you record it?] - Bbb

[Of course I'm the one who record it. He didn't even realised he was being recorded. Guess I was doing a pretty good job in secretly recording him.] - Uraraka

[Hahaha. You sure does.] - Bbb

[So, you're feeling better now?] - Uraraka

[Ah yes. Thanks to you.] - Bbb

[I'm glad. We were all worried about you ever since you walked out of the class.] - Uraraka

[Thanks for worrying about me. But seriously, I'm okay now.] - Bbb

[If you say so. See you tomorrow, Boboiboy.] - Uraraka

[See you too.] - Bbb

Then, we ended our conversation. Mr. Aizawa's question came to my mind.

"The question is which one you believe? You're the only one who knows the answer."

I looked at the stars on the night sky. The wind flew by making my hair flew, following the wind's direction. I smiled while closing my eyes.

"I wasn't sure which possibilities that was true but one thing I'm sure of. If an action has a reaction, then an action has a reason too. They probably have their reason to their action.

And 'it's not the right time yet', doesn't mean that the right time will never come. I just need to be patience and wait for them. Or on some possibilities, I will find you guys one day. Just you wait."

Then, I closed the window and went to bed. Tomorrow will be a new day.

Amnesia In Different World (Boboiboy x Mha Crossover) [On Editing]Where stories live. Discover now