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Scott on the phone with Megan

Scott: Hey Megs
Megan: Hey babe
Scott: How are you?
Megan: I'm fine, just finishing up shopping with Daniel
Scott: Cool. Bahamas here we come
Megan: I know! I can't believe we're actually going! How did we pay for it again?
Scott: Well, it was 20% my money, 20% yours and 60% Daniel's
Megan: Haha
Scott: Well I'm gonna finish packing I'll call you back later okay.
Megan: Alright.

Scott put his iPhone in his pocket and turned on the TV. He was alarmed at the outcome.

Hunter Balkmore, a survivor of the Gardelor University school bus accident, has now been identified now that his family has been told. He is currently in a coma.

His eyes widened. He quickly grabbed his phone and used Kim's car to drive to the hospital. On the way, he called Daniel.

Scott: Daniel, Daniel listen to me, it's not over.
Daniel: What do you mean?
Scott: Remember Hunter from school? He didn't die alright which means he's next.
Daniel: What are you talking about?
Scott: Look just come to the hospital.

They simultaneously arrived at the hospital and ran to the receptionist.

"Hunter Balkmore, what room?" Scott asked.

"Room 602" the receptionist said.

They rushed to that room.

Meanwhile, Hunter just woke up from his coma. He tried to get up despite his lack of balance. He started walking by the window, being unsteady.
Scott, Daniel and Megan arrived at Hunter's room. They literally scared Hunter to death as he tripped backwards at sight of them and fell out the window.

I just bought my DVD of FD4 so....

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