07- Drum Beater

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Zack was in his room and he just took a shower. After he got dressed he connected his speaker to his laptop. He went on YouTube and started playing "Shut Up And Dance" by Walk The Moon. He was looking through his closet and found a drum beater.

He thought he could use it. He checked it but he realized that it was broken, so he left it in the middle of the floor standing upright. His music wasn't playing because his Wi-Fi wasn't good. He started to play his drums. He stopped when it played. He threw his drumsticks on the floor and ran to his laptop.

When he reached his laptop, the video started buffering again. He decided to move his computer to the other side of the room since it was closer to where the Wi-Fi modem was. When he lifted up his laptop, the cord connecting the speaker to the laptop was tangled around the volume adjuster, it's stretched and turned the volume to full blast.

Zack got startled that he dropped the laptop to his foot. "Shit! Jesus Christ!" he sweared, looking at his broken laptop and possibly broken toe. He steps backward going to his bed, but he slips on his drum sticks, he falls backwards and the drum beater impales right through his mouth. It isn't until four hours later that Zack's brother Carter saw his lifeless body on the floor.

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