14- New Life

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Scott spent all night thinking about what the coroner said, and how he knew about the situation they were going through. Then it struck him.

A flashback came to him about how those flying knives killed the innocent stranger instead of Daniel. "If you kill a random person, you will earn their remaining days, you will get to live their lifespan" Bludworth's words just flashed back to him. He thought that maybe Daniel had new life. He got up and rushed to Daniel's room.

He knocked three times on Daniel's door and he opened up.

"Daniel, I have good news, remember what that coroner said back at the supermarket?"

"Vaguely" Daniel replied

"Well I think you've cheated death"


"Well, he said that new life can defeat death. Well I think that you've earned your new life by accidentally killing that stranger"

Daniel stood there shocked, not knowing what to think. Then he decided to feel happy. He hugged Scott then raced downstairs. He got a glass of water and raced to the living room. He set his water on the table, but he accidentally spilled it on the newspaper, narrowly missing the words "ONE SAVED ALL OF THEM. Daniel didn't see it, but Scott read it and told Daniel. Once Daniel read it, they looked at each other at the same time and started jumping up and down. "Let's celebrate!' Daniel said getting things from the fridge as Scott called Megan down. Daniel poured some Coca-Cola into some wine glasses as he was heating a few cheeseburgers in the microwave.

They all sat down in front

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