11- Garage Doors

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Okay, so this death will be kind of based off of a death from Scream, except it doesn't involve a crazy killer.

Nina was looking through the fridge in the kitchen when Daniel walked in. "Excuse me?" Daniel says. "Daniel do you have any beer in this house?" Nina asks. "Yeah, it's stored in the fridge in the garage" Daniel tells her. "Thanks" Nina walks off.

She walks down to the garage, closes the door and turns on the lights. What she didn't know is that she accidentally locked it and the lock is jammed. She grabbed two bottles of beer and headed for the doors. She tried opening it but she realized it was locked. She tried unlocking it but the lock was jammed. She started knocking on the door. "Guys?" she said but she knew she wasn't heard. She turned around sighing then she saw a doggy door in the garage door. She saw it as gold. She walked over to it, barely noticing that she had stepped on an umbrella. She went down on her knees and tried to fit through it. But when it reached her chest, she got stuck. She struggled and tried twisting and jerking and kicking. She realized she kicked the umbrella. It hit the fridge and made the fridge shake, which knocked over a coat rack, that hit a small bedside table, causing it to slide to the corner of the room. It hit another coat rack which got knocked over and flicked the switch for the garage door.

She started going up with the door. Halfway through the rise she was standing up, making it easier for her to escape. She made it to her shoulders but got stuck again. She started dangling and screaming. Scott and Daniel heard her and ran to her. She tilted her head and saw them but she reached the top, cracking her neck. Scott and Daniel just left.

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