10- Moving In

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They arrived at Daniel's house and adjusted their eyes to the wonderful view. "My parents are on a business trip in Korea, they won't be back in a few months" Daniel said. "Then how do you pay for everything?" Nina asks. "They left me $300,000 and a credit card before they left" "Wow you are rich" Megan says. "Oh my gosh! Is that a PS4? Nina asks. "Yes mam" Daniel replies. "Where are all the games?" "Open that cabinet under the TV." Nina opened it and squealed at the fact that there were over a hundred games in there. She picked Tekken 7 and started playing it. "She can sleep on the couch" Daniel says. "Everybody else follow me upstairs" he says. They follow him upstairs and see a living room, just a little smaller compared to the one downstairs. "Alright, so Scott and Megan, you're staying here" he says, pointing to a room. "And Kim you'll be staying in my room with me" Daniel finished.

Everyone headed to their rooms and got comfortable. Scott heard a knock on his door. He opened it and saw Daniel. "Hey Daniel" Scott opened. "Hey, uh, anytime you want you can just knock on my door and borrow my clothes, and uh, Megan can go in my mom's closet, end of the hall to your left" he said. "Thanks" Scott smirked. "Oh yeah, one more thing, here's your TV remote" he said, handing him a blue remote with like, 30 buttons. "Thanks" Scott said and closed the door.

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