[Chapter 22]

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"Look at where we are now!"

One of the said, standing up and looking around the classroom. All of the other mobs were watching them curiously.

"Actually... where the fuck are we?"

"Who are you?"

Herobrine demanded, but his tone stayed calm and collected.
The first offered their hand, but the teacher didn't take it. He was still wary of them.

"I am Serenity, pleasure to meet you."

The other gave a gasp as Serenity gave a harsh jab to their ribs.

"Fine. My name's Sopho."

Serenity muttered something at her, rolling her eyes. She pulled up her inventory and began rummaging around in it, in an attempt to find something.

"Sopho, my, uh, obsidian isn't here. Did I by any chance give it to you?"

She asked in a low voice to the other.
Sopho tilted her head to the side in slight confusion.

"What'd you need obsidian for?"

"To get back to the Nether, duh."

Sopho had a blank stare on her face when those words had been spoken, as if they weren't registering in her mind.
Serenity waved a hand in front of her face, but that didn't work either.
She looked to someone at the closest desk to her, which was Pigman's, but he just shrugged.

"We are not going back there."

Sopho said, though her voice was incredibly quiet now only those near to her could hear it.
Serenity let out a short laugh, Sopho's words not having any meaning to her.

"Pfft- why not? If we can just get back then-"


Sopho practically yelled, making all of them flinch at the sudden outburst of noise.
Her hands started shaking as she looked down at them.

"You don't know how long I've tried to escape their grasp... and now I've done it, you want me to GO BACK?!"

She paused to take a breath.
Serenity looked shocked. The others were still confused.

"I'm not going back. You've seen what it's done to us... what it did to Wither..."

"You know Wither?"

Skeleton piped up from his seat at the back, the two others turning to look at him.

"You know him?! Do you know where he is?!"


Enderman yelled as they both walked away from the castle, although he was trying to keep a smile concealed.

"Not my fault."

Wither said nonchalantly, walking next to Enderman with a smug grin on his face.


The funeral was going well - eh... as well as a funeral can go. Enderman gave his whole attention to the casket that his father was in, 'tears' streaming down his face.

Wither, on the other hand, was bored as fuck.

Why was he the one that was dragged to this? Hell, he couldn't even glance at anyone else without angering them. He couldn't even look in their general direction. So he decided to sneak off.
(Not the best idea, considering his kind killed the king and most of the End hated him).

Wither looked at the now vacant buildings... they were basically all the same, built into the same shapes with the same materials. How boring.

He was interrupted from his thoughts when someone hit him, sending him back.

"You killed the king, the ruler. I mean, I don't really care-"

Wither frowned at that. Sure, he didn't really care either, but it mattered to Enderman. And he didn't want to make a scene because of it.

"-he was a piece of shit anyways. But now, I can kill you."

Wither almost laughed. Him? Being killed? No way.

(Foreshadowing??? Hmm???)

"Ha! You wish! Plus, I wasn't the one that killed him. Not all of us are evil, ya know?"

The other gave a sharp laugh, if you could even call it that. It sounded like he was on drugs in Wither's opinion, not that he would tell him.

"Yeah right!"

Materialising a sword in his left hand, it was not unlike what Wither was used to.

He swung at Wither, not bothering to look over a target as 'easy' as him. Or so he thought.
He disappeared in front of him, his eyes darting around for any signs of the invisible attacker.

"What the fuck...?"

He muttered, spinning around when he heard a voice only to be met with nothing.

"Underestimating an opponent is not the wisest choice. Neither is overestimating, but clearly you didn't do that."

Wither reappeared, winding him as he stumbled dangerously close to the edge of the platform.


A familiar voice screeched from behind him.

"C'mon! You leave for five fucking minutes!"

Wither looked up from the sad excuse of an Enderman that was cowering on the ground that he'd kicked down. He smiled at the taller as if nothing was wrong.

"Hello Ender."

"You literally- I- tf you mean hello??"

(Have a small head canon that Endermen can't teleport when they're scared, or when they're being directly looked at. I'll explain later).

Wither looked down at the other with disdain, before kicking him off of the edge of the platform.

Enderman just stood there. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He did, eventually, break down. Wither tried to comfort him, but he didn't really know what to do since he kind of caused it.

Not All Of Us Are Evil (Wither x Skeleton)[BEING REWRITTEN- THIS IS THE OLD ONE]Where stories live. Discover now