[Chapter 18]

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[Chapter 18]
I hate them

Skeleton pulled away, the hue on his face a bright pink, Wither doing the same.


He muttered, turning away and teleporting to god knows where. Skeleton just sighed, waving his hand as he tried to cool down his face.
His mother was the first to break out of the shock that they were held in, going over to Skeleton and putting a hand on his shoulder.
Tears filled his eyes as he looked back over at her, once again realising just how much he actually missed them.

"We missed you so so much, Arrow. We didn't know if you'd survive, it was our only hope to send you out."

Amber said, embracing him as Harold pulled Gally closer to him, a smile on his face for the first time in several months.
God, this was what he'd been wishing for, hell, what they'd all been wishing for, and they were finally together.

"H-how'd you even survive the attack?"

Skeleton asked shakily, taking Gally out of their father's arms and picking her up himself. Damn, all that weaponry training that they did at Monster School was really paying off.


Harold coughed, the Wither Skeleton that was standing on his chest was swinging their sword at a violent pace, attempting to hit him. He just about turned every time, just barely missing the sword's blade.
He tried to call out to Amber and Gally, both of which were crying, but all that came out was a heavy wheeze as the Wither Skeleton slashed his arm.
He let out a cry of pain as his arm fell back, hitting the wall of the cave with a crash, and a sickening smash of bone.
This was when Arrow walked in, rubbing at his eye sockets as he gripped his birthday bow in his hand.
His eyes widened at the sight, and he readied his bow, worrying his father immensely. If he didn't get out now, he would surely die with them, and death wasn't something that he wanted his family to experience just then.

"Arrow! Leave now!"

Harold just managed to spit out, watching his son who stared at the outcome, his aim wavering slightly.
Arrow hesitated; sure, he should follow his father's orders, but he also wanted to help. He needed to.

"But father-"


He yelled, his face turning a paler colour as he struggled to breathe, the pressure being applied to his chest being to much.
Arrow's eyes filled with tears, and he let go of what he had loaded. Ironically, the 'arrow' whizzed through the air and embedded itself in the head of the Wither Skeleton that was on top of Harold, who took in a large gulp of air as the other was thrown off.
Of course, Arrow didn't see this, he was already out through the cave entrance after shooting, grabbing his father's helmet on the way.

Using the Wither Skeleton's distraction, he grabbed a wrench, which was laying abandoned in the corner of the room.
While the other was down, Harold hit them over the head, and managed to knock them down with a couple more blows.

Yet when he turned around, Amber and Gally were being held at gun point, or, well, sword point.
Tears were streaming down the little girls face.

??? Pov:

Am I really about to kill at little girl? A nine year old little girl and her mother? Only a monster would do that. A monster which I am not.

Waiting for the right time, I watched as the other Skeleton's eyes flickered from what seemed to be his wife, and his daughter.
At least his son escaped. Maybe I can help them.

I moved forward ever so slightly, and crouched down ever so slightly. The Wither Skeleton guarding next to me didn't notice my change in hight, thankfully.
I turned my head to the little girl, although it was unnoticeable. But she caught on anyway.

She stared at me with scared tiny eye sockets.

"Listen here, little girl, if you even want the slightest chance of escaping, I'm gonna need you to do this."

I whispered. I pointed my sword closer to her to avoid any suspicion from the other.

"I'm gonna need you to kick me. As hard as you can."

Her eyes widened and I swear I saw her mouth twitch into a small of a smile. With absolutely no warning whatsoever, no signal, no nothing, she straight up kicked me in the shin.
I let out a cry of surprise, and also pain, because I so underestimated how hard children can kick.

The other Skeleton grabs his wife and his child and bolts out of the cave, even though it's still daytime. I assume they're heading to the forest, after all, a few burns is better than being dead.

"What the actual fuck, Sophotia?"

I cringe when the other Wither Skeleton uses my full name. I hate it so much. I mean, is it that hard to call me by a nickname? Apparently so.

The one that was knocked over put a hand to his head and groaned.

"Ugh... let's just get going. We've failed this time."

And they left me to follow behind. Rude much?

At this moment in time, I hated myself, I hated what I had become. Or rather, what they had become.
I was still unaffected, thankfully, yet I couldn't say the same for the others. I missed my family, the ones who got infected.

Stupid Endermen.

Stupid Wither Skeletons.

But I'll tell you who I missed the most- my brother, and my sister. My brother had managed to get away, being one of the lucky uninfected ones. My sister was not so lucky. And I couldn't find a way to leave the Nether, so I had to pretend to be infected.

But I miss them. I miss them a lot.

Wither and Deria.

Sorry about the delay of chapters, I'll be getting more out now that I've done all my schoolwork and have got settled down.
I was just taking a break, but I'm back on track now.
Also thanks to KatSumi664 for supporting me all this time <3 of course, this also goes out to all you other beautiful people <3


Not All Of Us Are Evil (Wither x Skeleton)[BEING REWRITTEN- THIS IS THE OLD ONE]Where stories live. Discover now