Chapter [17]

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Chapter [17]
The quarrel of three is fixed

Skeleton's bow was slung on his back, and he was waiting for Wither to finally drag his lazy ass outside.

The sun was down, and it was a Saturday, meaning that he and Wither didn't have class.

Wither had said that he had pinpointed the location of Skeleton's parents, so they were off at ungodly hours of the night.

"Where is that stupid, lazy ass bastard—"

"What do you mean, I'm right here~"

Wither teleported to Skeleton's side, ultimately making him let out a little screech at his arrival.

"Ugh. Let's just go."

Wither grabbed Skeleton's hand and he teleported them only a couple of minutes walk away from the location.

Continuing on after getting over the initial sick feeling, Skeleton felt Wither tugging him back slightly.

"Ya gonna let go of my hand?"

He asked, and Skeleton's reaction was immediate; he pulled back and stared at the ground as he continued on, his head hung low as his face heated up in a rapid state.

Wither just chuckled at his reaction as his cheeks (?) tinged red as well; he would be lying if he said he didn't find it cute.

"Honestly, Skel, it's fine!"

Wither laughed as he caught up with him, but all he got was embarrassed mumbling as Skeleton looked back up.

In front of them was another cave.

Wither went in first, scouting for danger. He'd be livid if Skeleton went in first and get hurt because of how irresponsible he was.

Out of nowhere, he felt eyes on him. He turned to a hidden corner of the cave where an adult Skeleton was there, pointing a regular bow at him and seemingly protecting a female Skeleton and a younger one.

Wither threw his hands up in mock defence, turning to the outer cave from behind him.

"Relax! I was just hoping to find you guys. I have someone you might wanna see!"

He motioned for Skeleton to come forward. To their surprise, there he was.
(I would say in the flesh, but that doesn't really work out for a Skeleton).

"Oh my God, Arrow, my baby!"

His mother yelled, running over to embrace her son, who smiled with tears on his eyes.

His father lowered his bow slightly, before up and pointing it back at Wither, who was now leaning against the wall of the cave as if he wasn't a descendant of one of the most feared civilisations.

"Chill, dad, I know he's a Wither Skeleton, but he's not bad, I promise!"

His father didn't say anything but he refused to lower his weapon.

"Oh, so that's how it. You leave us for around seven months (give or take) and you switch to the Wither Skeletons?"

His father sneered, but not at Skeleton, more at Wither. He was still looking extremely unfazed, by the way, eyes flickering to each of them.

"Relax. Skel hadn't switched sides, I have."

He confirmed, walking over to Skeleton and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"And how are we supposed to believe that??"

He asked, sincere curiosity plastered on his face.

"Easy. A loyal Wither Skeleton wouldn't do this, would they?"

And without a second thought, Wither leans in and kisses Skeleton, much to the surprise of everyone there.


Not All Of Us Are Evil (Wither x Skeleton)[BEING REWRITTEN- THIS IS THE OLD ONE]Where stories live. Discover now