Chapter 2: Still Staring

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     I walked into second period after I had received my schedule and made my way to Calc, knowing happily that none of the werewolves were smart enough to even lay a foot into this class. I sat in the front, answering the questions sometimes when the teacher picked on me and sometimes silently under my breath. Though I was a naturally optimistic person who tried to talk, sometimes dark thoughts festered inside making it hard to even be confident of saying 'yes' or 'no' to a simple question. I tried to pass these mental hurdles everyday, trying not to remember flashbacks of the diatribes that would be flung at me by the Blonde Barbies or the contempt that flashed between brother's eyes---as though I were a reminder of something too ephemeral to last. 

         After the rest of my classes which had none of my packmates so far, I ventured to lunch and knew this would be the beginning of the witch trials. I had to logically think through this. Yes, don't judge me conscience! Being near them was a torture in itself, I had to approach the situation of where to sit carefully. Ok, the bathroom would be too cliche and I absolutely refused to smell constipation while eating. Fine second option: I could sit at a table and try to blend in--oh wait, that wouldn't work because the only table ever left empty was the one next to them. No way would I put myself in direct laser target zone of any of them. My last option was to sit in the library which would mean I had to eat as quietly as a mouse that had been gagged with chloroform. Ok, I told myself, reassuring my inner psyche that I could do it! 

         I cautiously maneuvered myself towards the tables covered with towering shelves of books ready to read. I nibbled on a crouton from my tuna salad, while reading the backs of books. Everything looked too philosophical, not enough brain candy. I needed a break from Fountainhead, it was just an allegorical jumble which actual required thinking. Hmm, I finally picked up the Grimm Tales and flipped it open to a random page. Oops, the bell rang. yeeeesh. the bell had to ring at the most inopportune moment. Life was hell at times.

               After Computer Science we had art collectively. Oh snap, now I would have to be in the same breathing room as Melissa and Arin and possibly a few other werewolves. I could just predict that this was going to end up into a kick me fest where all they did was bullshit me under their breaths. Fun, yeah, nooooo, please save me god. If he was up there. But no, he probably went to sleep right at the moment I ever prayed because he just hated me that much too. Not that I believed in god anyway. so whatever. 

                   We had freestyle painting the first day, so I started trying to replicate a Goergia O' Keefe painting from a mental picture I had tried to take at an art gallery several years ago. I was actually have fun, smearing the light blue all over the canvas soaking it in with gray and green curves, when they came in. The teacher unfortunately was not in the room----Oh no, I was in deep shit if I did not hide or leave. Melissa came up to me, starting in her dangerously sugary tone,"You may wanna go and get a new face, cuz obviously the one you have right now isn't working for you." Her sidekick Sydney glided over and added in her nasaly high pitch tone,"Yeah, and trying getting new bras instead of using sacks to cover your nipples". 

                  They all started laughing, laughing, and laughing. Their comments did hurt, but frankly after years of habituation to their pernicious comments, I was desensitized. I mean come on, how long can you hear these brassy old comments and get hurt. I was at the stage where I pretended to get hurt. The only reason I was scared of them was because unlike verbal abuse, I did not exactly handle physical abuse well. And then came in Arin, Jed, and Steve---in my world the three people who escorted me to the dungeon and then tasered me until my fuse blew. Great, now I had to deal with them. Not my strong spot, seriously.

                    The three of them walked towards me, chanting,"Fat slut, fat slut, fat slut". Thank god, the bell rang just then and I grabbed my bag and ran. I jogged deep into the outer edge of the forest, coming to the gray bench I would come here to rearrange myself since we had moved to the packhouse. Really, fat slut that was the best come up with. First of all it obviously wasn't true, and though I was pudgy, I was not classified as 'fat'. If anything they were the STD infected man prostitutes. So fluff them. And to call me 'fat', they obviously did not know the clinical terms like 'overweight' or 'obese' which would have been more specific. Unapparently, they would remain miseducated like this for a long time,

                    Soon, I made my way over to an orphanage I had seen in my neighborhood this summer. I would help out there, hopefully making new friends and getting some community service hours in. I walked in the sunshine, looking somewhat fondly at the plants that grew there, I had planted some of the petunias and sunflowers there myself. I entered the orphanage and went in with a volunteer badge. There was plenty of work to do as I had to serve the snack for today. I walked up to the kids and hugged all of them. The ones whose snacks I was in charge of were Miky, Nicole, Sarah, Andrew, Felix, and Adrian. Miky who was three squealed and said," I want the trail mix, and the raisins, and the oats and maybe a bit of the milk.....". And he kept on going until Sarah put her hand over his mouth telling him to not go hyper. I smiled at them and started serving them some snacks.

               I did my homework at the orphanage common room while watching them play. After putting them to bed around seven I walked back home. All my homework was completed and all I had to do was type out a paper for AP Lang I had the outline for. Savoring the last bit of the day,  I started at the molten faireball in the sky, a magma like orange jettisoned into the horizon. I hoped for change and since today was a full moon change would most likely come.

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