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It's been a week since Alex and I spoke.I've been giving him blueticks since physio lab and feeding him a good share of snobs.However,I've not seen him in class for the past four lessons consecutively and this gangster right here is worried.
Yap-maybe I still do care about him.Maybeee I should call him to check on him.

A boring day if you are formless,boyfriendless and lazy.
I stare out my window as I think about texting Alex when I hear a knock on my door.This is a familiar knock,3 knocks consecutively then she enters without me replying 'get in'.Typical Cathy.

Cathy is same body type as me but just a bit taller.I turn around to look at her and man! Is she going for an outing? She looks so pretty with her short black dress,her leather boots and shiny statement earrings.

"Eishhhhhh kwani where are you going?Unakaa firiiii!<you look amazing>"I jump down the double decker to admire her.
"Si my boyfriend is taking me outttttt!"She lets out a happy exciting laughter.
Uhmmmmmm,she has a boyfriend?But she was just drooling over Alex the other day!

"Ghai you have been having a boyfriend and you didn't even tell us!Unatuwacha kwa streets."<you're leaving us in the streets>
"Yaaah ofcourse I have a boyfriend duuh!"
"And the Alex situation?"
"Ah he was just a by the way.A shoulder to lean on you gerrit?If you don't get it?"
"Forgerabaurit!" We both laugh.

Guys I know some of ya'll think it's weird but it's true.Most girls have 'a shoulder to lean on' in campus especially if the boyfriend is distant from her.And ya'll know a shoulder to lean on is? Anyway,I said most not all.
Usilie.<Don't cry>

It's pretty scary how fast some girls move on.Yours truly will take more than even five months to just take the step to delete pics of her ex.Now she's still wondering if a man who was not HER MAN still loves her ...even though she knows quite well the man has a girl.

A bit of praises and sweet words to Cathy and there she goes,off to her date,leaving me feeling like a school padlock.Single life sucks especially if you're not a hoe.

Just when I was about to text Alex here comes Nekesa.Nekesa never misses somewhere to go during the weekends.Even if it's sitting at the free school WiFi area,that's still an outing.You'll never get her in her room on Saturday.

"Ndio huyu mimiiiii!"<Here I am!>
Great! Another person to make me feel more miserable than I already am.Just great.

"Heeeee si we're sorry tell us where you get money! Tell us!"
Typical kenyan.Ukivaa vizuri inamanisha uko na doh.<If you dress well that means you have money>I don't know who put that mentality in us.

"I'm going to visit my boo.I must not disappoint!Hamnipatiii.We'll meet on Monday in biochemistry class."She says as she adjusts her bra infront of the mirror.
"Si you just bring me yoghurt atleast.

Look at you Sherie.Are you not embarazzzzed! Kazi yako ni kukaa kuomba watu wakuletee vitu see your life!<Your work is to sit and ask people to bring you things>

She lets out a laugh as she exists.Along the hallway I could hear exciting murmurs and laughs.Saturday.Siku ya maform.

This peer pressure of having a boyfriend is really hitting me now.I feel lonely and low.I could have even been on a date with Ricky but look at me!Denied him for Alex who already had a girl.
Alexa ,play me anayekupenda kupenda humpendi unampenda mwingine anayependa mwengine that one of Otile.

I think to myself, maybe I should text Ricky Instead of Alex and just hang out.Maybe I should have given him a chance.I lift up my phone.I want to text him but I am not sure what's holding me back,maybe it's my fear.So I decide to go through what's up status as I'm gathering courage.I denied the man in a lab guys.I need courage to withdraw my decision.Since whats app is my favourite hobby at the moment why not. BAD IDEA.

I pass three of my friends' status. All of them attending parties.F* my life.
Then,oooh this girl is soo pretty ....oh..
Double f*

Ricky has a girlfriend?!
That's Ricky's gifriend?
He just confessed his love a week ago fahm!Come on!
Okay why the hell are people two faced!

I didn't know why I was angry and I'm the one who denied him....but still.This guys,this,is called double heartbreak.You know what, to hell with love.Lets focus on myself.Mimi na wanaume bye bye.

Haven't we all said this at one point in our lives.Yap I know.I'm lying to myself.Whatever.

I spend the rest of my day in netflix thanks to not having exams and did a bit of reading just so I don't feel guilty of 'wasting' my day.


Cathy is back and I have never seen her this happy.Her eyes are filled with so much excitement and you could see it.She looks like she wants to share something,some news or something.I can feel it.

"Ebuuu niambie kila kituuuuu!"<Tell me everything>
I pull her to my bed.

She brings forward a carrier bag behind her and it seems full.
A box of shoes!
Oh! Its a box of A1s!
Oh! A love note!
Ohhhh! Chocolates!!!
Bruv I don't know about you but one chocolate is mine!

"Ehh Cathy wowwww!Si you're loved! One chocolate is mine.Poor me."

"Nisipopendwa nitapendwa na nani naniiii.<If I'm not loved who will love me>Take whichever chocolate you want kwanza nimekula nimeshiba nimependwa I'm happy now."<first of all,I've eaten,I'm satisfied and I'm loved.>
That's Cathy's love story for you and I'm happy because,guys I get the gifts too sooo im still benefitting. Chocolates for her and me.These are the type of boyfriends we want for our friends by the way.Don't be a stingy boyfriend or we'll advise our friends to leave you.You know girls with their friends group,its the judging committee your up against.Don't mess with a girls group.

"Guys guys guysssssss I have news I have newsssss!!!!!"Nekesa.

I thought she would come on Monday.

She was so hyped up.I had never seen her like that ever!Guys love is amazing bana look at how happy people are.Ama?

We were ready to listen.Everyone quiet.
Nekesa came closer and whispered.

"I just broke my Vag"

"Wait what's v..."Cathy looked at me before being cut off.

"Virginityyyyy!"we shouted loud enough.
"Whatttttt!"I squeeled.
"Girl Whaaattt!Like your hymen bro..."Cathy followed.
"Cathy!"She shut her up

Well this would be an Interesting one.

"Tell us every detail girlllll.Sit here between us and spillll." Cathy pulled her into the space between us ready to listen to the juicy news.

I've never really heard of someone's 'pop the cherry' story.So this would be my first.Lets gooooo!
Yooooh.Hope you guys are enjoying reading this..diary thing..whatever it is.Don't forget to vote and comment. Tune in for next chapter where Nekesa makes it all PG 18!...

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