HB C12

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"Look grandma it's Becky." Adaley said seeing the sign at the arena for her competition.
"It is." Holly said.
"Ada, it's amazing your mom is like a huge superstar." Avery said.
"I know." Adaley said.
"Okay girls ket's run through practice so we can get back to the hotel for extra sleep." Coach Dee said.
"Go on girls." Holly said smiling.
The girls ran off to join the others and Holly sat down with the moms.
"No Becky or Seth?" Erica asked.
"They are gearing up for TLC on Sunday, but they'll be here for the competition." Holly said.
"TLC?" Colby asked.
"Tables, Ladders and Chairs." Holly said.
"They wrestle with those?" Colby asked.
"Yes, Becky is doing a TLC match." Holly said.
"That sounds crazy." Colby said.
"It is." Janet said. "I've seen the men do them and they are beyond crazy."
"So glad Nicole is in gymnastics." Colby said.
"Me too." Holly said. "But if wrestling became Adaley's passion I would support her just as I did Seth."
"I would too, but I would be a nervous wreck." Colby said.
"There are times where I am." Holly said.

"We'll done ladies." Coach Dee said. "Now remember to eat a good dinner and get plenty of sleep tonight."
"We will." The girls said.
"All finished?" Holly asked when Adaley came over.
"Yep, can we go see the venue now?" Adaley asked.
"Yes, we'll go meet your dad and Becky." Holly said.
"Thanks grandma." Adaley said and they headed out.

"Hello Adaley." Stephanie said seeing them walking back stage.
"Hi." Adaley said. "Do you know where my dad and Becky are?"
"Becky just finished up at the ring so she should be heading to her dressing room." Stephanie said. "As for your dad he should be working on his match next."
"Okay, we'll go find Becky." Adaley said. "Daddy has to focus."
"He does." Stephanie said.

"Becky?" Adaley said knocking in the door.
"Come in sweet girl." Becky called.
Adaley opened the door and they found Becky doing some stretches.
"How was practice?" Becky asked.
"Good." Adaley said. "Coach Dee said to eat a good dinner and get lots of sleep tonight."
"Yep, that is how it goes." Becky said. "You need the right fuel to power you."
"I know." Adaley said. "I'm saving the junk food for Sunday at TLC."
"Sounds like a plan." Becky said.

After Seth was finished they cleaned up and headed back to the hotel. Holly and Adaley's room was next to Seth and Becky's so they opened the adjourning door. They decided to order room service for dinner and call it a night.

"Oh my goodness." Adaley said seeing the stands.
Looking over Becky smiled seeing their wwe family dressed in custom shirt that said Adaley or Davenport Gymnastics Club.
"You are one loved girl." Becky said. "Go with your team and get ready."
"Okay." Adaley said waving before going with her team.
"Oh my goodness you guys." Becky said joining them.
"We wanted to support our girl." Alexa said handing her an Adaley shirt.
"She loved it." Becky said slipping the shirt over her tank. Soon Holly and Seth joined them dawning the shirt as well. As the competition began they clapped for everyone and cheered for all of her team as they cycled through events.

"This is a close one." Roman said.
"Yeah." Seth said. "I never knew gymnastics could be so competitive."
"I did." Roman said. "Jojo likes to watch competitions."
"We'll now I know." Seth said.
"This is the last event." Becky said handing Seth a soda.
"Floor." Holly said. "Adaley is last."
"She's been practicing hard for this event." Becky said.

They watched as girl after girl did her routine and clapped for all.
"Wait." Becky said as her intro music start and Adaley flew across the floor flipping and turning landing perfectly on the other side to cheers. Becky laughed as she winked up at her before doing her sassy moves and doing more flips and turns. When she finished the whole section rose cheering and clapping before Adaley joined her cheering team.
"Score." Holly said.
"Wow." Seth smiled seeing the score and Adaley's name at the top of the list.
"Her team won." Becky said. "And she metaled in all the events."
"Two golds and two silvers." Seth said.
"That's good man." Roman said. "She's going to be an amazing gymnast."
"I agree." Seth smiled.
After the metal ceremony was over the walked down to the floor to congratulate her and her team.
"Daddy." Adaley called running over.
"You did amazing baby." Seth said scooping her up.
"Thanks daddy." Adaley said. "Did you like my surprise?"
"It was amazing baby." Becky said. "I am honored.
"I get dibs on the next song." Roman said.
"Okay." Adaley said smiling.
"What about me?" Seth asked.
"We have six more regular competitions this year daddy, I will do yours too." Adaley said.
"We'll I owe you and your team a huge pizza party when we're back home." Seth said.
"Yay." The girls cheered and soon they headed back to the hotel to shower and get ready for TLC.

"Wow." Adaley said looking around the set for TLC.
"Like all my tools?" Becky asked.
"Are you worried you'll get hurt?" Adaley asked.
"Nope." Becky said. "I trust Asuka and Charlotte."
"Me too." Adaley said.
"How about you go show Alexa your new shirt and let her know you're cheering for her and Nikki." Becky said.
"Okay." Adaley said walking off. 
"Hey what did Hunter want?" Becky asked as Seth came up.
"Just making sure I am ready for my title match tonight." Seth said.
"It's going to be amazing." Becky said.
"Your match is going to steal the show." Seth said.
"I know, but second best is okay too." Becky said with a giggle.
"Maybe I will just steal your spotlight." Seth said.
"You can try." Becky smiled.
"That's only will get me sleeping on the couch." Seth said with a chuckle.
"Never." Becky said. "I enjoy sleeping in your arms."
"Good." Seth said kissing her.
"Okay folks, doors are open, time to get going." Stephanie said. "Let's give them a show."

Adaley came over and they walked back to the back and got ready.

"Have fun cheering." Becky said. "Dale is going to take you and Holly out to your seats."
"Okay." Adaley said. "Look for me."
"I always do." Becky said. "And remember I am going to be okay."
Adaley nodded and hugged her before hugging Seth and leaving with Holly and Dale to head to ringside.

"You two ready?" Becky asked.
"We are." Charlotte said.
"Yes." Asuka said. "Time to steal the show."
"Yes." Becky said.
"Ladies." Seth said coming up with his new wwe title.
"Hi." Becky said.
"Great match." Charlotte said. "Going to hard to top it."
"Nah, we smoke him." Asuka said making them giggle.
"I have no doubt." Seth said. "I just wanna say good luck and have fun."
"Thanks." Becky said.
Asuka went out first fallowed by Charlotte and finally Becky. The crowd was lit and ready for the main event. Becky smiled as she kissed Adaley on the cheek as she walked by making the girl smile.
"Have fun." Adaley said.
Becky smiled and walked to the ring.
As the match got going Becky used the crowd to energize her as she always did. They had worked out a good show and the crowd was eating it up. When she jumped off the top of the ladder landing on both Charlotte and Asuka the crowd erupted into cheers. The ref counted to three and she covered them both and the match ended with retaining her title.

"Becky." Adaley said running back stage.
"I'm okay." Becky said hugging her.
"That was so amazing." Adaley said. "We're you scared to jump off the ladder?"
"A bit." Becky said.
"It was so cool." Adaley said. "You stole the show."
"Hey what about me?" Seth asked.
"You were great to daddy." Adaley said. "Now you have a title like Becky does."
"Yep." Seth said. "Let's get cleaned up so we can head to the hotel and sleep."
"I can take Adaley back." Holly said. "Give you two time to shower and eat."
"Is that okay kiddo?" Seth asked.
"Yes, I am sleepy." Adaley said. "But we can have breakfast tomorrow."
"Yes." Becky said. "Sweet dreams."
Seth smiled and hugged her after Becky and had Dale take them out to a waiting car.

"Come wife, time to shower." Seth said.
"I agree." Becky said standing up and fallowing him back to their dressing room.
After showering the hit catering and got some food before heading back to their dressing room to eat and pack up.
"What do you think about an extra day here in Vegas." Becky asked.
"Oh, what's up?" Seth asked.
"Adaley asked about us going to a spa and I thought since there is a great spa that caters to mother and daughters in town we could go." Becky said.
"Is there an opening?" Seth asked.
"Yes, I might've booked it already." Becky said.
"Well it sounds like I need to find some things to do for a day." Seth said smiling.
"I might've called someone who can help you since he's from here." Becky said.
"Who?" Seth asked.
"You'll have to wait until tomorrow." Becky said. "I like my surprises."
"Okay." Seth said smiling. "Ready to head back?"
"Yes." Becky said. "I am tired."
Seth smiled and they headed back to the hotel and after checking in Adaley they headed to bed.

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