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A/N: It's another early update so enjoy :)
"Hey munchkin." Becky said.
"Becky." Adaley called running over to her.
"How was practice?" Becky asked.
"Tough." Adaley said. "But good."
"That's good." Becky said. "You ready to head home we're due over at your grandma's for dinner shortly?"
"I'm ready." Adaley said. "Due I have time to go home and shower?"
"Yes." Becky said as Adaley grabbed her bag and waved to her coach.
"See ya Ada." Couch Dee said.
"Bye." Adaley said and they headed out to the car.

"So are you liking the busier schedule?" Becky asked as they drove home.
"It's tough and I miss traveling with you and daddy, but it will be fun to compete in two weeks." Adaley said.
"Your dad and I miss you too but it's only for the weeks leading up to a comp that it's the heavy schedule." Becky said. "So you'll get to travel with us again soon."
"Yeah." Adaley said. "Are you excited for the mommy and me sleep over?"
"Yes, I ordered the sleeping bags you picked out, they'll be here tomorrow." Becky said
"I know you aren't my mommy yet, but I am glad you get to do this with me." Adaley said.
"Me too." Becky said smiling.

When they got home they got Adaley in the shower and Becky went to change.
"Hey sexy." Seth said coming in.
"Hi." Becky said smiling. "You better shower and change."
"Yes ma'am." Seth said kissing her softly.
Becky smiled and left the room when Adaley called her.
"Okay all dry." Becky said.
"Thanks." Adaley said.
"Okay dress and I am going to get the dessert you made this morning ready to go." Becky said.
"Thanks."Adaley said.
Before leaving for practice Adaley had made cheesecake and Becky got the cherries she needed on her way to pick her up.
"That looks amazing." Seth said coming in clean.
"Ada made it this morning before practice." Becky said.
"She's becoming quite the talent." Seth said.
"Yes, I ordered a new stand mixer." Becky said. "Yours has a broken lock."
"Oh." Seth said. "Thanks."
"I am happy to get stuff for our home." Becky said. "You smell good."
"Thanks." Seth said smiling. "It's that new soap you got me."
"You do it justice." Becky said leaning forward and kissing him.
"Why are we going out again?" Seth asked making Becky giggle.
"Because it's family dinner night." Adaley said coming in. "I'm ready."
"So is dessert." Becky said. "Let's get going."
"Yes, I am starving." Adaley said.
They got what they needed and headed over to Holly's.

"What is this weeks dessert?" Holly asked.
"Cherry cheesecake, the cherries are optional Uncle Brandon." Adaley said.
"That's good." Brandon said.
"Cheesecake." Holly said. "That is very advanced."
"Grammy showed me her recipe when we were in Ireland." Adaley said. "It was delicious and when I told her I wanted to share it with you guys she sent it to me."
"She and my mom text each other daily." Becky said.
"That's sweet." Holly said.
"I text Grampy too." Adaley said.
"You do." Becky smiled. "Dinner smells amazing."
"Yes and it's done." Holly said and they gathered around the table.

"So how was practice?" Ron asked as they ate.
"It was great grandpa." Adaley said. "We're working on clean flips."
"That's cool." Ron said.
"Yeah, we have this next week to nail down our finale routines for the comp and then the mommy and me sleep over." Adaley said.
"Sounds fun." Ron said. "Is Becky doing it with you?"
"Yes." Adaley said. "She ordered us special sleeping bags."
"That is sweet of you." Ron said.
"I want Ada to feel special." Becky said. "I know this is her first one and it's mine too so it should be special."
"I agree." Seth said.
"Good." Holly said. "It's going to be a busy week."
"Yes, that is why I did extra school work so I am ahead a bit since I have my riding lesson on Sunday." Adaley said.
"That's right." Holly said. "I am sure Star will be excited to hear about your competition."
"Yes, I have a lot to tell her." Adaley said.
"I have a check for you to take to Dan." Seth said.
"No problem." Holly said. "You also have a fitting comp leotards."
"On Saturday." Adaley said. "Couch Dee reminded us today."
"Good." Holly said.
"That reminds me." Becky said. "Dan said she needs new riding boots and I forgot to take her."
"I can do that." Holly said. "The shop is next to the fitting place for the leotards.."
"Thank you." Becky said. "I cannot believe I forgot."
"It's been a busy few weeks." Seth said. "You have my card so charge it all."
"I will." Holly said. "I am happy to help."
"We're very thankful you and Ron have stepped up to help us with her busy schedule." Becky said.
"We're happy too." Holly said. "I know you two are busy with WWE, the wrestling school and Cafe."
"You're gearing up for TLC right." Ron said.
"Yes." Becky said. "I am main eventing with Charlotte for the tag titles." Becky said.
"It's a TLC match." Adaley said. "The first one."
"That is amazing." Ron said. "It also sounds dangerous."
"We're professionals." Becky said making them laugh. "It can be but we're making sure we got a good plan in place."
"That's good." Holly said.
"I'm excited." Adaley said. "Daddy has a match too right?"
"He does." Becky said.
"A number one contenders match." Seth said.
"Does this mean you could win a title soon?" Adaley asked.
"I might." Seth said.
"Cool." Adaley said.

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