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"Daddy." Adaley said softly.
Seth looked up from the papers he was looking over at his six year old who looked scared.
"What's wrong Ada?" He asked.
Adaley didn't know how to tell him what she was feeling. Her big brown eyes just welled with tears.
"Come here." He said and she rushed over to him and he scooped her up and felt her shaking. "Sweet girl I wish you could tell me what is going on."
See the thing was Adaley hadn't spoken more then the words 'Daddy' and 'help' in the last two years. He would never forgive her mother for doing what she did.
"It's okay sweet girl, daddy is here." Seth said rubbing her back until she calmed down.
Once the episode was over she climbed off his lap and walked over to her coloring area and began coloring in the princess coloring books Lexi had given her.

"Hey, I'm Lina." The tall olive skinned women with wild black hair said as Seth got another beer at the bar.
"Hey." Seth said.
"Your a wrestler right, with WWE?" She said.
"I am." Seth said.
"I saw you perform last night at the house show in Oakland." She said. "You're really good."
At this point Seth was slightly drunk and at this point in his career he was a bit egotistical.
"Really?" He said.
Of course that was all it took the girl was hooked and all he had to do was reel her in. It was only one night of drunken sex but it forever changed his life.

Ten months later Adaley came screaming into his life.
"Look she's yours and I don't want her." Lina said pushing the car seat with a screaming girl into his arms before walking out of the locker room.
Lucky for him Roman was on hand and quickly got the girl quieted down while Seth chased after Lina but she was gone. While the thought of raising a child alone scared the hell out of him he stepped up to the task. With Hunter's help he got the legal side worked out and DNA confirmation he was her father. Lina signed the papers relinquishing her rights and Seth stepped up to the plate of being a single father. With the help of the men and women in the back he continued to rise in the WWE and life was good. Adaley grew into a healthy and happy young girl who was out going, full of life and always happy.

Then when she was four Lina reappeared talking about how she had suffered from postpartum depression and regretted giving up Adaley. Seth however knew it was because he was the face of WWE and she was looking for a payday. Seth refused to allow her near Adaley and even got a restraining order against her when she kept fallowing them town to town. During the pay per view Money in the Bank Seth was doing the singles main event before the men's ladder match, Lina snuck into the back pass security and knocked Lexi who was watching Adaley out and kidnapped her. When Seth came into the room and found Lexi the whole arena went into lock down. Lina wasn't well prepared for taking care of Adaley or how unhappy the girl would be. It angered Lina that Adaley did not want her and Adaley suffered for that. It took the FBI nearly two months to track Lina and Adaley down.

"We have her but there are no signs of Adaley." Agent Black said.
"Is Lina talking?" Seth asked.
"No." Agent Black said.
"Damn it." Seth said. "Let me go in please."
Agent Black relented and Seth walked into the run down house they found Lina in. He began searching and calling for Adaley.
"Ada, it's daddy." He called. "Please Ada talk to me."
It was the faintest noise and Seth had to get everyone to be quiet.
"Quiet." He snapped at those around him.
"Again Ada." Seth said.
"Daddy help." The voice called and Seth rushed up the stairs.
"Again Ada." Seth said.
"Daddy help." Adaley called and Seth found the fake wall and hidden behind it a very malnourished and dirty Adaley.
"Come here baby." Seth said.
Adaley was very scared and Seth had to sit near the opening.
"You know daddy has been looking for you for so long." Seth said. "I would go anywhere to find you. Please Ada, let's go home."
He held his hand out and she slowly reached out to take it. Once she was sure it was him she rushed into his arms and just cried. Seth managed to hold his tears but felt his body shake with hers as he walked out of the house to the waiting ambulance.

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