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Krist lifted his head. Tossing the magazine down. "Ohhh, so where'd you two go?" He teased.

Kurt rolled his eyes with a laugh. Hugging Dave's arm. He hides his face into Dave's shoulder.

"I thought you weren't coming until Sunday?" Dave questioned as he raised an eyebrow. Krist shrugged.

"Decided to come early. Hotel shit was getting lame, it was hard to smoke weed in there." Krist replied as he stood up. Standing as he observed the couple.

Kurt lifted his head and started to laugh. "So you just waltz back inside here?" Krist shrugged and laughed. "Well yeah! I called but you guys didn't answer. So, what? You two went on a date?"

The blonde turned red. Dave bursted out laughing as he wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist.

"Not necessarily a date. But a lovely stroll." Dave replied. Krist squinted his eyes as he leaned over.

He smirked. "Then, why are there hickeys on Kurt's neck? Mmm?" Krist teased. Kurt 's face turned beet red.

"Okay shut the fuck up!" Kurt squeaked out as he went over. He looked up at the giant bass player. Using his skinny hands, he started to throw playful punches at Krist's chest.

Dave loosely crossed his arms, a smirk slowly rises on the drummers face. "I left those so people know that is he mine."

Kurt's playful punches slowly came to an end onto Krist. He sharply turned his head to look at Dave.  Dave raised an eyebrow, a smirk still on his face.

Kurt whimpered out of embarrassment as he went over to his drummer boyfriend.

He kissed Dave's cheek softly before running upstairs. Squealing out, "I love you!!!"

Dave laughed as he called back. "I love you too! I'll be up there in a moment!!"
Krist laughed softly along at the twos interaction.

"You two are adorable together." Krist complimented as he takes a seat back in the chair.

Dave hummed as he remained standing. "It took a few weeks but.. I finally confessed my feelings for him."

"I told you Dave, he loves you too. I knew it from the start."


"Yeah!! Dude, c'mon. When we first met you. You were the one who talked to Kurt first. He was too shy. You offered him an apple when we were on an aeroplane."

"S-so?!" Dave started to feel flustered.

"Well, I saw how you two stared at each other. That is love. You two were looking at each other like you are inseparable. Now look. I was right! You two became the greatest of friends, and now? BOYFRIENDS. I fucking knew it!" Krist happily shouted out as he leaned back in the couch.

Dave's face burned with a red blush as he smiled. He shakes his head. "Yeah, you're right. I know. I just didn't know what to do..! I panicked when I was left alone with him at first but, I – Well.. Kurt actually did it. He graffitied out the words on the wall." He explained.

Krist hummed as he sat himself up. "Well either way, you two got together. And are perfectly adorable. Now head upstairs, your boyfriend is waiting."

Dave rolled his eyes and nodded. A smile rises to his face as he left the living room.

He ran upstairs. Down the hallway. He opened Kurt's room, seeing the blond laying on the bed.

He was curled up in the blankets, wearing his PJs. His back facing the door.  Dave chuckled softly at the cuteness as he slips off his shirt. He shuts the bedroom door. Quietly.

He walked over to the bed and crawled quietly inside. Slipping his hands to Kurt's stomach, he softly rubbed it.

Kurt gasped softly once he felt Dave's presence. Dave's chest was softly placed against Kurt's back.

The warm breath softly into Kurt's ear as Dave gently bit onto the earlobe. Kurt whimpered softly as his cheeks turned pink.

"Hi baby." Dave huskily whispered as he guided his lips down. Placing a soft kiss to the large hickey on Kurt's neck.

Kurt slowly smiled as he rolled back over. Facing the drummer. "Hi." He replied.

Dave shifted as he laid on his back. Kurt scooted himself closer. His head laid onto the drummers chest.

Both of them feeling cozy. Both of them feeling comfortable. A small smile rises both to their faces, Kurt leaned his head up.

His cerulean blue gaze glanced at Dave's lips. Dave seemed to notice. The brunet raised an eyebrow as he leaned in close.

He softly kissed the blonde. Kurt kissed back gently as he rubbed his hand on Dave's bare chest.

Both of them having a soft makeout session with each other. Soft, slow kisses. Nothing rushed, just enjoying this romantic moment.

Dave held Kurt close as he kept their lips sealed together. Kurt moaned softly in the kiss as Dave bit onto Kurt's bottom lip. He gently pulled on the skin as he pulled back.

Both of them panting softly. Dave grinned as he kissed Kurt's cheek. "You're hot." He teased. Kurt rolled his eyes as he laid his head back down onto Dave's chest.

He listened to Dave's heartbeat. Which cajsed Kurt to smile. "Mm? You're hot." Kurt replied which caused Dave to chuckle lowly.

He leaned his head down and kissed Kurt's head. "Give me another kiss, baby."

Kurt hummed as he lifted his head. "Mmm, I don't think so." He teased. Dave scoffed. "I want kisses."

The blonde raised an eyebrow. "What's the magic word?"


There was a pause.

Then they both bursted into laugher. Kurt's eyes closed because of his laughter. It's such a soft laugh. It makes Dave's stomach flutter with butterflies everytime.

Dave leaned in close which caused Kurt's laughter to end. The blonde opened his eyes and bit his lip.

"Please may I have kisses from my baby?" Dave asked gently as he brushed his lips close to Kurt's lips. Just on the corner of his mouth.

Kurt turned his head so their lips both placed against each other. Dave smiled a bit as they started to kiss each other once again.

Lips softly moving in sync for a moment before they both pulled away.

Kurt tiredly laid his head on Dave's chest. Dave's fingers went up and started to play with the blondes hair.

Tangling his fingers in it, he gently scratched Kurt's scalp. Kurt closed his eyes once he felt the head scratches.

His body completely relaxed. Dave felt his relax as well. Dave slowly moved his hand away as he held his boyfriend close.

Kurt leaned his head up tiredly and pecked Dave's lips. Dave returned the pucker.

They both smiled at each other before they both closed their eyes. They whispered to each other ;

"I love you, Dave."
"I love you too, Kurt."

The couple fell asleep together.

– the end. –

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