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Kurt continued to eat his breakfast as Dave was making himself some cereal. As he was pouring the milk in his bowl, he heard Kurt ask a question.

"–Do you want to walk to the mini mart with me? I have to get a pack of Winston's. I'm out."

Dave walked himself over with the spoon in his hand. He stirred his cereal as he takes a seat. "Sure, we can go. I'm craving a candy bar."

Kurt started to giggle softly as he finished his meal. He stood himself up and walked over to the sink.

He switched on the water as he washed his dish. Scrubbing the crumbs off before shutting the water off and leaving the plate in the sink.

"Haha. I'm going to get dressed." Kurt informed Dave as he left the kitchen and dining area.

Kurt went upstairs and into his bedroom. He walked inside and shuts the door.

Walking over to his dresser, he pulled it open. He grabbed his flipper tee and a green cardigan. With the same pair of jeans from yesterday.

He quickly got dressed. Slipping the cardigan over his bare arms so that way they are covered. He zipped up his pants and clipped in the button.

He sat himself on his bed and slipped on his socks and converse. He heard Dave come up the stairs and enter his own bedroom.

Probably to get dressed too.

Kurt finished tying up the laces as he stood himself up. He used his fingers and 'brushed' his hair.

Leaving his bedroom, he noticed Dave came out too. Both men were now dressed.

"C'mon, let's go get you a pack of ciggies." Dave jokingly spoke as they walked down the hallway together.

They walked downstairs. Reaching over to the front door as Dave opened it. He allowed Kurt out first.

"Go ahead." Dave muttered as Kurt went out firstly. Dave followed along and gently shuts the front door behind himself.

He turned around and locked the house door as Kurt trotted down the steps.

Dave quickly followed along the shorter. They both made it outside.
It was a crisp, chilly morning.

Thankfully both men wore their layers.
Kurt still shivered however. Crossing his arms as they continued to make there stroll to the mart down the road.

"Here, wear my jacket." Dave muttered as the two stopped their steps. Kurt looked over at the taller. "Won't you get cold?" He asked but Dave shakes his head.

"Nah, I'll be fine. Here." Dave says as he takes off his leather black jacket. He knelt down as he slips it onto Kurt.

Kurt felt the familiar blush rise to his face as he slips in his arms. The jacket was a bit oversized. Dave chuckled as he stands back up.

He ruffled the blondes head. Kurt scoffed. "What?" He asked as he ran a hand through his own. Dave laughed softly as the two stared at each other.

It was with love and hushed admiration.

"Nothing, just you look so cute in my jacket." Dave replied with a smirk starting to tug up onto his lips.

Kurt felt his face burn a bright red blush as Dave laughed softly. He continued to smirk, seemingly enjoying Kurt's reaction.

"Okay, let's keep going.." Kurt muttered shyly as they continued to walk. Dave wanted to push this further. He wanted to get his feelings across. This was his chance.

He is completely alone with Kurt.
For a month. He has time. In fact, October just begun. Today is October 2nd. So he knew Krist won't return back until November.

Dave felt himself smile as the two continued to walk. Dave kept his head up, while the other walked with his head low.

The brunet noticed as he sighed softly. He knew it was Kurt's low self esteem. He didn't push it however.

Walking in sync with each other. It was a peaceful morning stroll. They made it to the location of the mini-mart.

Dave opened the door for Kurt as he walked in. They both walked up to the counter.

"Um, I need a pack of cigarettes." Kurt shyly informed the clerk at the register. Dave grabbed himself a chocolate bar as he sets it on the counter.

It got scanned as the clerk asked Kurt. "What kind?" "–Winston..uh 100s." Kurt replied. His signature pack got scanned as the final total came into price.

"Total is two dollars and twenty four cents."

Kurt looked into his pockets, but he forgot his wallet. "Shit.. Dave do you have money on you?" He asked as he bit the inside of his cheek.

Thankfully, the drummer did. He takes out a five dollar bill and placed it on the counter. The clerk takes it and passed back the change.

"Here you go, don't smoke too much kiddo."

Kurt grunted as he takes the pack. While Dave grabbed his candybar. They both left the establishment.

"That's funny how he called you kiddo." Dave teased as he opened the bar. They walked together.

Kurt rolled his blue cerulean eyes. "Well, he was an old man. Looked seventy! I don't see how he didn't call you kiddo either! You're the one with the damn candy bar!" He complained as Dave started to laugh.

"Well, you're smaller than I am. Plus, you have a baby face."

"You do too! Shut the fuck up!"

Dave takes a bite of the chocolate bar as the two take a seat on the grassy hill that was a bit of a waze from the mart.

Both laughing together softly.

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