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Vodka bottle was slowly brought up to Kurt's lips. A smile rises on the blonds face as he takes a swig.

"Oh c'mon, Kurt. Chug it!" Dave encouraged with a slurred laugh. Kurt hummed once he felt the sensation in his throat.

He brought the bottle back up to his lips and starts to chug the rest of the half down. Dave smiled as he wrapped an arm around the shorter.

Kurt lowered the empty bottle from his lips. Soft pants escaped out of them as Dave cheered.


Then, two more bottles came out. Kurt drank most of it. Dave only took a few sips from the other.

Kurt laughed as he placed the empty bottle onto the kitchen table. Grunting a bit when Dave pulled him close.

The two made eye contact. All becoming giddy from the bottle. "Stop laughing!" Kurt slurred which caused Dave and him to laugh harder.

Dave suddenly picked up the petite blonde headed man. "Hey–" Kurt's voice suddenly got all shy.

The drummer kept a hold of Kurt as he smiled down at the man in his arms. Holding him bridal style. "It's late, you should get some sleep. Right Kurt?" Dave's voice slurred slightly, but he wasn't as intoxicated as Kurt was.

Whining sounds came into the response. Kurt disagreed. "I don't wanna sleep!"

He slurred before drunkenly he sang out. "I'm so tired, i can't sleeeeeeeeeEEEEP."
Dave started to laugh. He knew Kurt was definitely wasted. "C'mon buddy." He says softly.

"Mm.." Kurt's head slumped itself onto Dave's chest as he was starting to be carried up the stairs.

"Ha..Dave. Dave. Dave. Dave." Kurt repeated over as each step was made. He walked down the hallway as he hummed.


They both stopped at Kurt's bedroom door. "I..don't wanna sleep." He slurred out his speech. His bottom lip lightly poking out. "C'mon, hon. You need the sleep. It's late."

He brought Kurt into the bedroom.

Dave laid Kurt down in the bed. Smelling the scent of the alcohol residue on Kurt's intoxicated lips.

"I don't wanna sleep." Kurt muttered as Dave sat on the bed next to him. "Why not?" The drummer decided to ask.

"Because of my dreams." Kurt replied as he remained laying on his back. Then, a conversation started to spew.

"Your dreams?" "–Yes, my dreams."

"Are they nightmares?"

"No, just dreams."

"What kind of dreams?"

"Dreams that won't come true."

"Hey, all dreams eventually are accomplished." Dave hummed softly as he laid next to Kurt. Chestnut eyes gazing at the more intoxicated male with love.

"Mm, not these dreams." Kurt muttered as his cerulean eyes clashed themselves over. Looking deeply into Dave's eyes.

"Why not, Kurt?"

"Because I know he won't feel the same way in reality." Kurt slurred out before he suddenly sat up. He held his stomach and hissed in pain.

Dismissing the dream subject for now, Dave quickly sat up as well. His hand placed itself onto Kurt's back. "Stomach pain?" "–I gotta puke."

"What..?" Dave's voice croaked out as Kurt became more panicked. "Get that bucket!" He scolded as he felt himself gag. Pointing at the clean bucket in the corner of the room.

Dave quickly dashed himself off the bed. He grabs the grey colored bucket from the corner of the room and brought it over.

Kurt grasped onto the bucket. Dipping his head slightly inside of it as he started to puke. Dave frowned as he gently pulled Kurt's hair back.

Dave is holding the golden locks up in a 'ponytail' with his hand as Kurt continued to vomit inside of the bucket.

"Are you okay..?" Dave muttered as Kurt lifted his head, lightly panting. "Probably the–" he suddenly lowered his head again and puked more.

".. Alcohol." Dave finished what Kurt was saying. The blonde coughed for a moment and spat into the bucket.

"Yeah." He muttered as he lifted his head out of the bucket. His forehead was a bit sweaty. His stomach churned as Dave let's go of Kurt's hair.

It slowly dangled back down. Kurt wrapped his arms around his stomach. He whimpered quietly.

"Okay, maybe the stomach issues too." Kurt muttered as he tried to control his breathing. Dave frowned as he takes the bucket.

"Let me..clean this. Then, I'll go get you some aspirin. Okay?"

Kurt nodded his head as he laid back into his bed.

"Okay Dave, thank you." He croaked out.

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