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Sunlight started to pour into the room. It was a faint glow. Since it was the beginning of the sunrise.

Blonde locks slowly slide themselves across the bareness of Dave's chest. It lightly tickled the skin which caused Dave to open his eyes.

Hissing silently from the antagonizing light. He tried his hardest to ignore it. It was brightening.

Kurt's blue eyes slowly came to a open. A small whimper in annoyance left out of the blonds throat as he buried his face into Dave's chest.

"Fucking..bright." Rasped voice croaked out. Dave's eyes adjusted themselves as he placed his hand back onto Kurt's pajama covered back.

"It's the daylight." Dave acknowledged to the other. Kurt lifted his head. His hair was covering his eyes.

A small chuckle echoed throughout the room. It was a soft, low chuckle from Dave.

Dave sat up a bit. "Here, you have some hair in your face." He muttered as birds started tweeting loudly outside.

Hands came close to the blondes face as his hair was slowly moved back. Kurt felt his cheeks warm up as he gazed into Dave's eyes.

He smiled.

Dave felt his heart melt. It was truly such a beautiful sight to see. Watching Kurt's movements. He suddenly furrowed his eyebrows.

Kurt got out of the bed. He walked himself to the window. He pushed it open with his hands. The loudness of the birds cries continued.

"Jeez, those birds are loud as hell." Dave joked which caused Kurt to laugh softly.

Kurt sat himself in front of the window. His eyes slowly scanning themselves across the morning skies and october orange leafs.

"They're loud because they're trying to warn us about the truth. But unfortunately we don't speak bird." Kurt spoke softly. The birds quieted themselves down.

Cerulean eyes watched as the birds flew across the sky. Dave got himself out of bed. That was interesting to hear.

He sat himself next to the blond. His chestnut gaze slowly made there way to Kurt's facial features and expressions.

Kurt suddenly broke into a smile as he pointed his finger outside. "Look Dave! A raccoon!" He beamed excitedly.

"Where? Where?" Dave questioned as he felt his heart melt. Kurt is really adorable. "–Over there! Right by those trees!"

Dave glanced outside of the window. Seeing a raccoon. It was big. "Wow, he's sure a big guy isn't he." He acknowledged as Kurt nodded his head happily.

The  racoon looked up. It seemed to be eating something in it's little claws. Kurt has a smile across his face as he observed the wild animal.

This racoon eventually walked itself away. Disappearing into the nature life.

Kurt watched as it walked away. The roadkill in it's mouth. Dave placed a hand onto the blondes shoulder.

This interaction made Kurt turn his head to face the long haired brunet. They made eye contact.

"Do you want me to make you some breakfast?" He asked out. Kurt shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, nothing big though."


They both rise up to there feet. Kurt looked up at the taller. His face getting warm again. Dave noticed this. "Are you sure you're not getting a fever?"

"Yes Dave– i–"
Kurt has fallen silent when Dave's large hand placed itself onto Kurt's forehead, then cheeks.

"You're a bit warm.." Dave informed as he knitted his eyebrows together. Kurt suddenly piped up. "No! Really I'm fine!"

"Hm. Okay, I believe you." Dave replied as he extracted his hand back. "Now, c'mon. Let's go make you something."

The two exited Dave's bedroom. Krist's door was wide open. Maybe he woke up.

They walked downstairs. Not seeing the bass player at all around. Dave walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the table.

He picked it up as he watched Kurt enter the room. "No, he's not home." He muttered out this information as Dave nodded.

"I know. He wrote." Dave says as he turned his attention to the letter. His brown eyes slowly moved across the paper as he shrugged.

"What's it say?" Kurt asked softly as Dave crumpled up the lined paper. "He's visiting Shelli, nothing too extreme. He said for a while though."

"Ohh." Kurt trailed off as he walked himself over to the calendar. "Did it say how long?"

"–Month or so." Dave replied as he grabbed the loaf of bread. Popping in a piece of bread into the toaster for Kurt's breakfast.

Kurt lifted the calendar, checking the days. They didn't have any updates with there band. Dave stifled a laugh as he sets the closed loaf of bread back on the counter.

"Kurt, we're on break. Remember?"

"Oh. Right..." Kurt slowly replied as Dave started to laugh. "Think marijuana is screwing with your memory, huh?"

Kurt started to laugh as he sets the calendar down. He walked himself to the table and takes a seat.

Dave grabbed the butter that was inside the fridge. Alongside with a butter knife in the silverwares cabinet.

The toast popped up. He walked himself over and grabbed a small plate. Picking up the warm toast, he placed it onto the plate and started to spread the butter.

Once he was done, he walked over and sets it in front of Kurt. The blonde stared at it for a moment before picking it up.

"–Thank you, Dave."

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