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Dave entered the kitchen. Faintly hearing the shakey breathing. The television down at a low volume while the rain continued to pour onto the window panes.

"Would you like pennyroyal tea or some warm milk?!" The drummer called out his question from the kitchen.

Kurt whimpered as he strained out his answer. "Warm milk!!" A sharp gasp escaped out of the chapped lips as a soft sob soon came afterward.

Dave felt a frown slowly creep up onto his lips as he grasped onto the fridge door handle. He pulled it open. His arm extending itself as he grabbed the gallon of white two percentage milk.

He carried in with hand as he opened up the kitchen cabinet. Taking out a small glass as he pours the milk into it. He screwed back on the blue cap and placed it back into the fridge.

Shutting the door with ease. He heard soft whimpers and sobs coming from the living room. It truly broke Dave's heart.

He picked up the glass of milk and puts it into the microwave. He plunged in the numbers of twenty seconds.

Allowing that to time out, he walked over and picked up the bottle of aspirin that rested on the table.

Screwing open the lid of the medication, he poured a few in his hand and then closed the medicine.

The microwave beeped three times. Signifying towards the drummer that the warm milk was ready to be served.

Dave trotted his feet over as he held the pain killers in one of his hands. He pried open the microwaves door and grabbed the glass with his other hand.

It was pretty warm. Looking at his both full hands. He grunted in annoyance and used his head to close the microwave door shut.

Another whimper escaped out of Kurt as Dave returned with the aspirin and warm milk.

"I'm here, I'm here." Dave reassured as he knelt down with the caring items in his hands.

Kurt slowly sat himself up. Removing his arms away from his abdominal pain as he grabbed the medicine and drink.

He placed the aspirins in his mouth and slowly drinks them down with the warm milk. A small exhale left Kurt's lips as he brought the glass down into his lap.

His sleeves slightly cupping over his slimmed hands. His blue eyes stared at the half empty glass in his hands.

"–Are you hungry?" Dave muttered out the question. He was still knelt down to the young man that was sitting on the couch.

Kurt nodded his head as he continued to cautiously sip on the milk. It was delicious. He can feel the melatonin in his system start to course through him finally.

His eyes became heavy. Milk, especially warm can make a person very sleepy. It obviously was having it's affect on the frontman singer.

"I'll get you something." Dave replied as he stood himself back up. His hand guided itself down as he ran his fingers through Kurt's hair.

A light pink blush spreads across the frontman's face as he lowered the empty glass. "Here." He whispered as he handed Dave the empty dish.

Dave takes it a hold of his hands as he smiled sweetly towards the lead singer of Nirvana.

He then walked out of the living room once again. The television continued to play a random film in the background.

Brown colored eyes slowly scanning themselves across the counters and cabinets. Trying to find something small for Kurt to munch on. He firstly placed the empty glass of milk into the sink however. Making sure it was washed and filled with water beforehand.

Suddenly, Dave noticed a bright red apple sitting on the counter in the very back next to a bowl of bright colored oranges.

He went over and picked up the apple. Turning on the sink, he cleaned the apple first. Making sure it was digestible, Dave nodded his head in confirmation.

He dried it with his plain colored tee as he entered back into the living room.
A small smile rises across Dave's face as he noticed Kurt was peacefully watching the television now.

Not looking much in pain as he was earlier. The pain killers must've started to have their affect.

Lazy and tired blue eyes glossed over at the screen. Blinking ever so slightly slow as he remained slightly laying.

"Here, Kurt." Dave muttered as he takes a seat next to the blond. Handing him the bright red juicy apple.

Kurt takes it with his hand. He muttered, "Thank you." As he began to eat it. Dave simply nodded his head as his chestnut eyes gazed up onto the clock.

It was 2:30AM. Said the time. Dave yawned when he realized how late it was. But he didn't want to sleep yet, he wanted to keep Cobain company.

Kurt quietly munched on the apple as he focused his attention on the television screen. Watching the film with a tired gaze in his cerulean colored eyes.

Dave glanced at Kurt. His eyes flickered with love and admiration for the frontman. He knew deep inside he has a crush on the shy adult.

Quickly looking away, he shakes his head. Trying to get rid of those thoughts rather quickly.

They are friends. That was all.
Rather, this pained Dave's heart to the core. He did not speak.

He just simply sat there.
Watching the TV with Kurt by his side.

Overthinker - KaveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon