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Jun has been at this school for two weeks only but I've already fell for him completely. It's weird I know but I love everything he does he's just so cute.

I've been trying to hunt my feelings by touch and his reactions show that he might like me back. He always gets flustered and blushes. I'll make it my mission to confess by the end of the week.

I went into first period extremely early only Jun was in the classroom. "Wow, why are you here so early I said pulling an earbud out of his ear scaring him. I leaned close to his face " I had nothing to do at home since YangYang had to leave early so I just left... You?"he asked taking his earbud out of my hand but he didn't put it in.

"You texted that you thought you might leave early last night and I didn't want you to be alone" I said actually sitting. I pointed to the earbud in his hand "May I"I asked softly. "Yeah sure" he said handing it to me "What do you like to listen to" he asked. "I like everything and from previous times I know that our taste  is similar" I said putting it in my ear

I rested my head on his shoulder feeling him go stiff for about 30 seconds before relaxing. I feel asleep shortly after.

I woke up because Dk was talking loud beside me I glared at him. "Sorry I woke you" he apologized. I looked over at Jun who seemed to be zoned out drawing. "Looks good" I said smiling. "Oh uh thanks. Did I wake you"he asked tilting his head slightly. "No Dk did" I answered honestly. "Hey the teacher isn't coming for a while wanna just leave" questioned. He looked at my reluctantly then shrugged saying 'sure'.

We got up with no one noticing. We didn't have to be quiet in the hallway because class hadn't technically started yet. We got to the roof and set our stuff down sitting against the far wall.

I sat close to him "What are we going to do up here"he questioned. " I just want to sleep"I said making us both laugh. "Yeah I might join you on that" he said holding out one earbud which I took happily. He played the same music as earlier. I put my head  back on his shoulder and surprisingly he put his head on mine I smiled to myself. 

We woke up just before lunch so we decided to go. "Where were you guys" Jihoon questioned. "Somewhere" I said blankly. "Both you and Jun disappeared for half the day are you coming for dance" Dino asked. I glanced to Jun who shook his head softly. "Nah, we might just leave school" I responded.

Jun raised his eyebrow at me I just made an 'I'll tell you later'face, he nodded and as soon as lunch ended I took him to my car. "Wanna go get ice cream or something" I asked. His eyes seemed to glow as he nodded.

I drove to the ice cream shop and we ordered, got our ice cream, and sat down.

"How are you liking the school so far" I asked softly. "It's nice really. I'm grateful that I have you as my friend as you've helped me alot even introduced me to your friends! I don't know what I would've done without you..." He said sounding grateful looking into my eyes.

"I'm glad to hear that! I like having you here" I said cheerfully. He smilied and I did too.

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