Chapter 23- There is a light at the end of the tunnel

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If you are just coming out of a psychopathic relationship your mind is probably going "Wtf. Wtf. WTF!!!"

Hello, welcome. :)
You just found out the person you loved and or cared about doesn't even exist. The person you thought you knew isn't even a living, breathing, person in this planet. They have been made up by a crazy person to fit into society and weasel their way into your life for THEIR personal use/gain.
The very true definition of psychopathy.
Suddenly, like a balloon flying high up in the air, or Mary Poppins flying with her umbrella, that person is gone. Gone, gone, gone. Even though they are still living.
Yep, Poof .
It was all a game to them. They made up a persona to match your every need, want, and earthly desire, and made you fall madly in love with them, made you think you would grow old together, or spend time together with them forever, be your friend forever, for giggles.
They are gone like your dad going out for milk. He ain't coming back. In fact, he moved to a new city, started a new family, and ditched you. Never to be heard from again...

Your world is now shattered. You feel betrayed. You have been used, stepped on, tricked, conned, stolen from, cheated, etc.
Wednesday is Thursday, and Monday is now Friday.
The sun is green, the sky purple, and the grass orange.
Your whole reality is now turned upside down.
"What just happened? What is happening? Where did they go? Who even are they? IS COCOA PUFFS EVEN REAL CHOCOLATE??"
Welcome to psychopathy 101.
Grab a snack, tissues for your nose (because you will cry, A LOT), and a comfy chair because you're gonna wanna listen to this.

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