Chapter 19- How manipulation works part 1.

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To start off with, I just wanna say I'm not a "manipulation professional". I DON'T know how to manipulate anyone with ease like a psychopath can or the CIA can.
I am what is known among the psychopath community as "a neurotypical".
In other words, a common folk.
I.e. manipulation doesn't come naturally to me. (Psychopaths if you are reading this then I'm sure you know what I'm talking about).

^I just wanted to state this ahead of time so you know.
I have encountered/figured out how manipulation works though thanks to a psychopath I met. At least the very basics, for sure.
I want to talk about this topic to help other empaths or neurotypicals like me. I wanna also help some psychopaths and narcissists to maybe realize "You don't have to use manipulation all the time" and "Not everyone wants to 1 up you" and "Life isn't a competition".
Most people like harmony, trust, kindness, love, etc, etc.
Like Oprah, they just want everyone to win. Like, "You get a participation ribbon, and you get a participation ribbon and you get a participation ribbon..."
What I'm trying to say is...
There is always another side to things? Maybe? :)

Onto part 2!

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