Chapter 3- I was in a toxic relationship/encounters with psychopaths

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I was in a toxic relationship.

Not my most brightest moment in my life I will admit. And the experience is not something I ever wish to experience again. If you have never been in a toxic relationship that is okay, this book will also be for toxic friends, generational trauma, toxic bosses, and toxic co-workers too.

The first step to any recovery is acknowledging there is a problem in the first place and taking that first step. :D


Personal encounters:
This is my own personal story and is 100% true. It is what I now believe to be an encounter with a psychopath, but at the time I thought it was just a weird dude.
I mean, maybe I am wrong, maybe the guy wasn't a psychopath but just on dr*gs?
However, looking back now I'm pretty sure the guy was a psychopath...

I was walking in a park one day. I can't remember why I decided to go. Maybe because it was close by, or maybe because it was a nice day out.
But I did and sat on a bench when I came to it.
A few minutes go by and I'm sitting there on my phone. Btw it is busy in the park, people are walking by with their dogs and kids are playing in a near by play ground while their parents talk to one another.
I'm busy reading on my phone when a guy around my age on a skate board rides up. I watch as he slows and jumps off it and then walks up to me super confident.
He looks pretty normal, a regular surfer dude or a guy who chilled and smoked a lot. He wore a very baggy shirt and shorts.
I remember thinking to myself he would look more handsome in a suit and if he shaved off this long/braided Jamaican hairstyle.
He walks up to me and says "Hi" and I say "hi" back.
He then asks me what I'm up to and I say I'm reading on my phone. He then asks me if I wanna go for a drink, like coffee. (I know there is a cafe close by).
I hesitate for a second but say "yes" because he looks harmless enough.
Although in the back of my mind I think to myself there could be a possibility he is on dr*gs. He seems to be anyways.
We walk up the grass and make our way to the coffee shop.
I ask him what tv show he is into.
He slurs a bit and his response is...weird. His body twitches.
I repeat my question "What's your fav tv shows?"
He shouts loudly "I wanna hit like gorillas!!! GORILLAS!!"
I remember being shocked/weirded out and wonder if he is saying a joke or is mentally ill.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"I'm fine." he says.
He seems to be walking fine and he doesn't mention about his weird out burst, so I stay quiet.
A minute later we are in the coffee shop and I ask him what he wants. He tells me he has no money. I say that is okay and I can pay for the coffees.
As I'm ordering, the back of my mind is screaming at me I need to leave.
Right now!
The young man is clearly mentally ill, on dr^gs, or homeless, maybe all 3.
I order our stuff and wait beside him, trying to ease my growing nerves.
He attempts to make conversation again but I can't understand what he says. He is talking to himself.
Whispering to himself. But I can't hear or understand what he says.
I grab our coffees and hand him his.
I then tell him "I need to go", that I can't stay and chat because I'm running late for my recital and I need to be there because people are waiting. (Made up of course)
I walk out of the coffee shop as fast as I can, and try not to run.
At first I sigh in relief when I'm half a block away. But then as I look back again and see he has come out to find me, follow me.
I remember thinking I DON'T want his phone number.
I walk faster and he shouts at me to stop. "Hey!!"
For a sec I wonder if I forgot something or dropped something but know in my deepest gut I didn't.
I know for a fact he is just trying to get me to go back.
Now here is where I think he is psychopathic.
He follows me for the next 3 blocks but his twitching and slurring are all but completely gone now.
He is confident now in his shouting and walking. Like it was an act before.
"Hey! Wait up!"
I feel like a cat being chased like a mouse.
A chill ran down my spine.
My gut/instinct warned me if I went back or stopped it wouldn't be just about getting my number.
There was a deep more sinister motive.
I felt, almost KNEW, he wanted me to go back to his place with him.
For what, I didn't know...or want to ind out.
I kept walking though and was still quite a ways a head of him.
I ran when I turned a corner and didn't even check to see if he had too.
I was relieved when the subway station entrance appeared.
I went down fast, half running, half galloping, like Snow White when she runs in the forest.
I got inside and got on nearest train just about to leave.
It wasn't going the way I wanted (the opposite way actually), but at the moment I didn't care, and I knew my way around. I knew how to go the long way around with this train.
The doors closed and the train took off a few seconds after I got on and I breathed in a sigh of relief.
The guy didn't get on the train.
I was free. I escaped.

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