Chapter 21- How manipulation works part 2.

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How manipulation works.
That is the question, right?
Well, what if I told you there is no right answer.
That you could go left <---, or you could go right --->.
You could take the middle road |, or the secret back entrance [] too...
(Okay, I'm overdoing the Cheshire Cat/Alice in wonderland reference)

My point is, there are many different ways to manipulate. There is no one size fits all. Manipulation comes in all shapes and sizes and it is difficult to grasp 100% completely. Even teachers, doctors, and people with phds struggle at it I'm sure.

"What do you mean? How does it work??? Just tell us a simpler way already cause I'm getting tired of reading this book!" you are probably thinking.

Fine. Here, I'll show you:
1.) Grab a piece of paper or your phone. (Any item you can write or type on).
2.) Pick 3 numbers from 1 to 100. Any 3 numbers you want. (Got them? Great.)
3.) That's it... :)
If you thought of and then wrote down the numbers, then you lost, and I won.
THAT is how basic manipulate works. When the other person gets you to do what they want.

Now stay tuned for part 3!

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