Chapter 12- What emotions does a psychopath have? And not?

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A psychopath will lack most, if not all, primary and secondary emotions. They cannot feel them, and instead have to pretend to have them in order to fit in like regular people.
Such is a sociopath's/psychopath's life, having to pretend to care, to love, to cry in order to be accepted by society.

So, what do they feel?
A psychopath usually feels anger, contempt, and hatred, along with other various negative emotions (such as jealousy).
Everyone is different though. And there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to psychopaths.
For example, some will say "I can only feel joy and anger. And no, I've never been depressed in my entire life" while another will tell you "I've felt jealousy, anger, joy, shock, and depression before."
Aspd is a spectrum. And it depends on each individual of what they can or cannot feel.

Now, if you are a neurotypical (a non psychopath) I'm sure you have felt ALL of these emotions at one point in time or another: Joy, sadness, shame, depression, fear, anger, embarrassment, love, etc. And to feel these are normal. It is what makes us human.
To feel all of these emotions and be able to care about others, to have empathy for others, is what makes us different.

Emotions a psychopath may have:
(*** will mean majority has this)



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