𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟3 𝓅𝓀

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" GET UP Y/N YOUR GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" said your father aggressively shaking you on your bed. " Alright alright I'm awake now dad , now leave! " " Love you kiddo " he said before quickly heading down, you then sighed and stretched your body , then proceed to go to the bathroom and brush your teeth , shower then dressed up with the school uniform. You then did a light make up ( or not) and went downstairs to be met with your dad frantically looking for something " lil girl , have you seen my car keys" he asked you, but you just said no and facepalmed yourself " but dad , you can teleport, why not do that?" You asked stating the obvious..but not this time "how many times do i explain this , i can't teleport when it's a public place , however fear not as i will use my clairvoyance to look for it . Your mouth stood agape as you realized that you're dad could have done that 20 mins ago, but his brain doesn't work it seemed.


"Settle down class , settle down" said the pervert looking teacher " today we're gonna be having a exchange student, please miss l/n come forward to the little podium" i did what he said and then proceed to carefully write my name and last name on the board , " hello my name is Y/n l/n , i hope you treat me well or else you'll have to deal with my frying pans , rest assured they're full with Nigerian spice " she said while slightly bowing,half the class looking at her in complete amazement. " Now miss l/n go sit behind saiki" he said as i headed back him and then whispered a ' hi' along with  'long time no see ' . "Good grief , do you ever leave me alone, you're everywhere" , i then chuckled which turned into a small fit of laughter and proceeded to answer his question. "As much as I'm concerned, you're stuck to the hipity hipity hip with me saiki me boy-o"  i said sending him a playfull wink .

"Yare yare " he said out loud but not too loud for anyone in front of him to hear.


It was now lunch time and i decided to eat untop of a rooftop. As i was munching on my shortcake , a blue haired boy with red things wrapped around his hand approached me . " Hello new buddy , I'm kaidou , mostly known as JetBlackWings. " He said slightly bowing then sitting next to me " have you ever seen or heard about the dark reunion" he said , but i couldn't help but scoff as his delusional but cute self  , i decided to play along . " Yes i have .. infact I'm a agent sent from our team to see what the Dark reunion are up to. " Kaidou then blushed profusely as he was surprised at how she believed he's demeanor. "W-wow that's so cool he said jumping up and down. " But we must be careful, and you must not say this to anyone, got it kaidou?" I said looking at him closely , he then nooded and sat down blushing again. "such a cute boy , but oh so delusional"  i thought.

It was time for heading home when i felt  presence behind me , i then turned around to be met with the one and only saiki , " yo shawty why you following me " i said doing the lip bite thing , he then locked and me with the " really " face and then i started chuckling , i then started choking as a bug flew right inside my throat , until i heard someone busting their flat ass.

" Damn saiki it ain't funny , i could have died you know" i said huffing and folding my hands together, "I'm sorry l/n but this is so hilarious,no regrets at all" then a bug flew in his mouth and then i roled my eyes chuckling " karma" is what I thought before i was proceeding to head home. 


You was once again outside , changed from your school uniform and headed towards the park , you then bumped on a blueberry bush hair , " ugh watch it , you almost messed up my hair" she said looking you up and down " sorry? But if i bumped into you , you should have seen it coming so you should watch it too" you said as you scoffed passing through her . "Who does she think she is , she dare speak to me like that , me teruhashi , the prettiest girl in the entire world! Altho i pitty her , ugly people behave like that when they are jelous of beauty " she thought while happily skipping towards wherever she was heading to.


𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘢𝘳𝘦!
𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝗀𝗋𝗂𝖾𝖿

𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔢𝔡.


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