Sleepover Time!

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[Utica's POV]

"Listen, girls. I can explain-" Olivia said.

"Explain what? How you two were staring at each other?" Kandy was asking. "And in your front yard? That's pretty hard to explain, gorge." Mik continued.

"Well, I'll try my best. It all began when..." Olivia explained what happened before we saw either of them. But I just can't seem to take my eyes off of her. I swear she is so pretty, it's getting ridiculous. "Uh-huh. And what about you, Ms. Long Legs? What did you do?" Mik was talking to me this time because Olivia isn't in the room. She must have gone to change clothes, so I might as well tell my side of the story.

"Oh, I-I came here to the house and saw her screaming from the car, covered in this paste stuff. She gave me her house keys and I went inside to get some water to mix with some white vinegar-" I try to explain.

"White vinegar? Why do you have white vinegar?" Kandy was the next to do the asking. "Well, there are many useful ways to use white vinegar that many people don't know about in general. Now, can I please continue?" "I-" "Yeah, gorge. Go ahead." Mik said, putting a hand over Kandy's mouth. "Ow! What was that for?" Kandy bit Mik. For this, I was also confused. "That's what you get for interrupting me!" Kandy remarked.

"Okay. As I was saying, I put the vinegar and water solution on the glue and it worked. Then, I grabbed her arms and within a few pulls, I got her free. But when I did, I lost my balance and fell with Olivia in tow." I said, clarifying what happened.

It wasn't long until Olivia came back and we heard some honks. This was gonna be a long sleepover.

[Olivia's POV]

I feel bad for leaving Utica with those two of all people. But hey, I still needed clothes that DIDN'T have glue on them. And I know Utica meant well, but that mix she used is a bit sticky. Oh well, at least the sleepover's at my house...

I took a quick shower and got into some clean clothes. It's still good, the others are on their way, Mik, Kandy, and Utica are downstairs, and I didn't make a fool of myself. Wait, those two know things about me. *gasp* And I left them downstairs with her, I gotta get down there!

"I remember that one time she- Liv! We were just talking about you. All good things, all good things." Mik said, as soon as she saw me.

"Well, I hope it was cuz-" *HONK!*

Honk? I looked outside, it was Joey and their old truck. I mean, it don't look like a stereotypical old truck, but it took a few hits before. They turned 16 not too long ago, but if you saw the dent & scratch count the thing had, you'd swear they were older.

"Hey, girlies! How are my favorite people in the entire world?" Joey shouted, bursting into my house. It feels like yesterday, ya know, when Joey ACTUALLY knocked. But it wasn't, it was 2 years ago.

"We're all doing good here, Joeycakes. Right, ladies?"  If Kandy could be happier than she is now, I'd have to admit, she would look a bit nutty. So we all agreed.

"So, what you got, Joey? Your bag looks a bit lumpy." Utica asked after a while. "Oh, I got a pillow, clothes, toi-" Joey listed. "Um, Joey? As much as we would love to hear the rest of your list, I think she meant that other thing." Mik clarified, pointing to something unusual. Well, now I wanted to know what was it!

"Hm? Oh, my parents and I got this for you and your family." Joey told me, getting something out of their bag. It was a small gift basket, how it fit in their bag is beyond me. "Thank you, Joey. But what's the special occasion?" I asked them. "We thought it'd be nice and-"

"Woah!" "Ah!" What was that?

Apparently, I'm not the only one who heard. We all went outside to see who it was. Nali and Rosé are finally here, only they're on top each other, like me and Utica were earlier.

"Hey, Denali. Want to te-?" Kandy said.

"Nope! Uh uh, you two aren't doing all that again. Come on." I cut her off, going to our friends. I got Rosé with Joey's help while Utica and Mik helped Denali up.

"Glad you two could make it! Come inside, we're just getting started." I told the two. To be honest like the person I am, I like these two as friends but I TOTALLY ship them! I mean Denali's bf broke up with her 4 months ago, and she had been down about it since. Well, before I saw her with Rosé anyway.

"Anyone know where Mora is?" Denali asked. "Who?" I heard Utica and Rosé ask, I swear those two shared a brain cell at that moment. "Well, KAHmora is taking care of her grandma and wouldn't be able to come. She said this in the groupchat." I explained. "She did?" Nali asked before checking her messages, feeling like an idiot. "Oh, heh heh, she did. My bad."

"It's fine, gorge. But now that it's settled, what we waiting for? Let's get this party started!" Mik said.

Something tells me this weekend is gonna be either amazing or amazingly terrible. One way to find out, I guess.

Sorry, this took me a while. I was tested positive for the flu (Flu A, for specifics) and didn't feel well for 2 days (10/24 -10/25). But I am just SO determined to get that Halloween chapter up by 10/31...

But She's My Weirdo - Olitica(Utica X Olivia)Where stories live. Discover now