Author Talk - High/Middle School

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Look, I know everyone & every country does things differently.

But just so we're clear, I am from the U.S., and the way we did middle/high school MIGHT (hint word: MIGHT) be different from what you're used to nowadays. Also, one of the few times I remember going to public school was when I was in the 6th grade in middle school (how I grew up; bare with me, guys, I was an early 2000's kid...)

So, to avoid confusion for everyone, the class sequencing is going to go by what I know & remember, which is the following:

1st, 2nd, 3rd, settle into 4th, lunch, continuing 4th, recess, 5th, 6th, 7th*

*Update: I just realize how confusing this order can be, so I'm just going to do:

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, lunch, 5th, recess, 6th, 7th

I didn't put HR (Homeroom) because I never got the point or concept of it, tbh!

⚠️Warning⚠️: Emotional Rant about my $h!++¥ time in middle school. Read at ur own risk..

⚠️When I did go to middle school, I was not very happy. Okay, tbh, it was a total H€11 for me!

I was constantly made fun of both academically & emotionally. I have a learning disorder & this made it hard for me to learn anything. Most of my teachers wouldn't really help me in the way I needed & they would wonder why I was failing, calling in my mom everytime I had a low grade. I said most because I was awesome at Math (Yeah, i know, I'm good @ the ONE subject everyone hates! Get over it...)

Meanwhile, most of the students in my grade didn't like me. I wouldn't even know why, as most of them didn't know about the disorder. They would bully me in class, out of class, it didn't matter what they looked like. Even my friend from the previous grade's OTHER friend was treating me like $h!+ behind MY friend's back! What's worse is that his (the 2-faced @$$h0/€) cousin (not MY friend, thank God!), who was in the 8th grade at the time, went along with him, throwing insults at my face whenever they were together! ⚠️

This time of my life made me fncķ!ug HATE school forever. But let's just say I found a WAY better school to finish my education the following year, because no way was I going back there...

It wasn't all $h!+, I had good times too, but I've already took up a lot of room. But I can talk about this another time, if you like...

Well, besides that, have fun being confused at what the '🦆' I'm writing!

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