Sister, Sister...

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Olivia & Utica are well on their way to becoming friends, more or less, but how are their sisters? Let's dig in, shall we?

[Lala's POV]

Over a week of school? Already?! Girl, you would NOT believe what has happened, let me tell you!

To start, my friends are all here in high school, yay! Detox, Dela, Roxxxy, and Adore (Random few that came to mind).

I mean if I'm being honest, I'm the only one in the friend group that doesn't have an ABSOLUTE best friend. I'm saying this as Detox and Roxxxy have each other (even though ½ the time, they're flirting nonstop), and Dela and Adore have known each other since middle school.

There's also Plastique, but she's always with the "Season 11" chicks, whatever that means. We only know her because she showed us around the school on the first day. But she said that if any of us needed advice on anything, we could go to her. She then asked if she could borrow a phone so she can call hers because she couldn't find it. She found it alright, in her backpack. She's nice, strange but nice.

Anyways, my first day of school was great. My first class was Fashion 101, which was taught by Ms. Iman. I knew Oliva said that she was teaching at the school, but it was April Fool's Day so I didn't believe her! Ms. Iman is a family friend, yes, but she was (and still is) a fashion icon who is known for her many years in the industry.

While I was in my second class on Day 4, the electricity went out and wouldn't come back on. So we went home early because of it, not that I'm complaining. Ms. Montrese was making us all read a 5-page essay and point out the literacy mistakes while she was bitching about her unhappy marriage. Her class? It was English, although I think she's been sleeping with a cosmetology teacher. Not OURS, but A cosmetology teacher.

Sometime this week, someone backhanded some mashed potatoes at Tina. Oh, that hot head. She tried to get the person back but they ducked and her food hit Aiden Zhane in the back. Aiden as in the leader of the goths. And so a food fight began.

I didn't know who that person was, but I am sure I'm gonna find out who. I mean, not just anyone can just throw food at one of the meanest girls in school. Not to mention, Tina can target just about anyone that can be a threat to her and someone has to warn them!

Well, I'm off to Roxxxy's house. The bitch got dumped by her dickhead bf Travis. We warned her, but sometimes she just don't listen...

[Yvie's POV]

How has it been over a fucking week already?! I guess you want an explanation, huh bitch?

Well, it was mainly everyone in school being weirded out by my crazy flexibility, getting into fights with this bitch named Silky, and then going home to poor mopey, dopey Utica! I mean I don't blame her...

She's had it rough ever since her best friend moved away from our old town. Being a butt to everyone's joke, for being a 'dirty, little freak'. Don't get me wrong, it did happen to me too, but I had to 'buck up' for her sake. Eventually, it backfired when everyone targeted her. We were school rejects, but thank God we moved out in time for ✨Prom✨! A special night for teens, but I knew that no one in that shit pit would've gone with her, besides me, of course.

I wonder where Ellie is now...

But besides that awkward thing of a backstory, here's how my days have been, in detail.

On the first day, I had to be shown around the school by another senior. The senior who ended up doing so spent half of it flirting with another girl. She said her name was Brooklyn, but although she was nice, I think I would get along better with her friend.

On the way to Ms. Edwards' dance class, I met a junior named Olivia, a nice girl, really. I asked her about what she does for fun and she said that she sings and plays the piano! I think this girl would be good for my little sis, I just know it!

Speaking of cute girls, there's this one girl I keep talking to but I can't get her out of my head and she's all I've been thinking about! Her name? *dreamy sigh* Scarlet

Let's see, I punched a perv, day 3. GOT punched, day 6 (You can blame S.N.G. for that!)

What else? Oh, yeah. I seemingly started a food fight!

It all went by so fast , one minute I was throwing the potatoes out of my lunch and the next, food was EVERYWHERE! Nerds, jocks, weirdos (like me), goths, divas, artists, everyone throwing food.

There was this girl that kept looking at me, but everytime I looked at her she looked away. Strange...

Then the principal walked in, food thrown at him until everyone noticed his presence. "Who started this?" Principal RuPaul asked.

Almost everyone pointed at me. Great. "You, my office, now! Tina, you too!" The principal commanded.

That red haired broad from earlier gasped. "ME?! What did I do?" "You are pure trouble, young lady. Of course you would have some involvement in this!" The principal clarified.

We both had to follow the principal and get detention for a week. I also got grounded because of it, 3 days!

Well, I don't know about you, but I feel like binging some Netflix, eating some ice cream, and staying up all night!

Might as well, I have few friends, none having anything in common. No one really gave me or Utica a tour around town.

Well, that's that. I know it took me a while but it's finally here. And also, why not put some Rotox and Scyvie into this?

But She's My Weirdo - Olitica(Utica X Olivia)Where stories live. Discover now