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Around the same time...

(Olivia's POV)

How can I be thinking about her already? It's just the first day, and I'm already crushing on a new girl. Out of anyone in the ENTIRE school, I'm crushing on a girl who has never been here before! Yep, I am gay, well pan actually. But while I am pan, none of the boys here quite catch my eye as much as the girls did. As much as I was the nicest girl in school, not everyone took my sexuality on a positive note. As I walked to find my way to find my first-period classroom again after showing Utica around, I bump into someone else, and it just so happened to be Tina, the meanest girl in school!

"Move out the way, bitch!" Tina yelled at me, shoving me against the lockers. "Sorry, Tina. I didn't mean to bump into you like that..." I said in the nicest way possible, frightened by Tina's presence. "Well, DON'T let it happen again, UNDERSTAND?!" she yelled directly in my ear as I nodded and scurried away, leaving a fuming Tina.

You see, Tina and I have a "frenemy" relationship. She started being so mean to everyone in 6th grade, the time I met her actually. One day, she was choking, and, because my overbearing mother taught me the Heimlich maneuver, I got the thing out of her throat. There were no teachers around, what do you expect? I couldn't tell what it was exactly because it had a lot of spit on it. Anyways, she hugged me so much, snapping a few of my ribs, and thanked me for saving her life. But due to her pride, she didn't tell anyone else what happened. Another day, she gave me a note with some words on it that still get me to this day, 'If you tell anyone else what happened the other day, I won't hesitate to knock you out.' I think she still remembers the day I saved her, as she didn't try to punch me today. Or ever on purpose, now that I think about it.

Finally, I reached the classroom I was looking for. It was in a weird place for a math class, as it was somewhat next to the science lab. This was because many people keep saying, 'math is useless in the world of science', a few of those fools being my grandparents. Me thinking how weird it was for math to be near science showed how frequent they visit.

I noticed that the teacher misplaced her keys. Being the nice girl I am, I try to offer my help to the teacher, just for her to decline it. "Looks like we're gonna have to wait out here again, huh, Liv?" I hear someone behind me say. They tossed their bag onto the floor as I look to see who it was. Joey, just the person I wanted to talk to!

"Joey! Thank Goodness, you're here. I have to tell you somethi-" I say before we get trampled by our classmates. I get up, only to find that Joey already got a seat with a pink-haired girl I don't quite recognize. I walk & take a seat near them, as I didn't know anyone else really well.

"She's nice, I promise" they whispered to her. I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Yeah, Joey?" "Hey, Liv, this is Rosé, she's new here." They said, excited to finally have a new friend.

"Hello, Rosé, it's nice to meet you!" I say to the new girl. "It's nice to meet you too, Olivia." Rosé says with a strong Scottish accent.

I can tell Denali is going to love her!

The 3 of us talk for a bit about various topics. From our other classes to our talents to what we're doing after high school. What can I say? Joey's a good conversation starter. Before we know it, class is starting.

"Oh, by the way, what were you going to tell me before we got trampled?" Joey recalled. "Hmm? Oh yeah, I'll text it to you." "Okay"

On Olivia's Phone

Ms. Goody 2shoes😇:
I had 🦋 in my stomach
earlier this morning.
What do I do?

G@¥ @$$ ฿!+¢h:
Not what I thought you
were going to tell me
but okay. Look, that's
completely normal,
it just means you
have a crush on
someone. Do u
know who u
were with?

Ms. Goody 2shoes😇:
Well, I bumped into this new girl,
introduced myself, showed her around, and found out we have some of the same classes together. I also offered her to sit with us @ lunch. Do you think that's it?

G@¥ @$$ ฿!+¢h:

oh,🎶 someone has a cru-ush! Someone has a cru-ush! 🎶Ok, ok, what did she say?

Ms. Goody 2shoes😇:
Okay, 1, I h8 u. And 2, she said yes.

G@¥ @$$ ฿!+¢h:
No, u don't. I can't wait to meet her, tho! Ooh, I have to ask Rosé to sit with us too. Nali has a thing for girls with accents, ya know.

Ms. Goody 2shoes😇:

I turned off my phone, trying to focus & Joey talked with Rosé a bit more. But no matter what, I couldn't because one thing was DEFINITELY on my mind right now:


What have I started...? 



But seriously, I don't even know!

But She's My Weirdo - Olitica(Utica X Olivia)Where stories live. Discover now