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My beautiful readers, fellow wattpadders (if that's even a word), friends.

I am so sorry, but I've made a mistake.

I will be taking down the chapter titled 'The Train'.

For those of you who already read it, try to just forget about it.

For those of you who didn't, well, you won't get the chance.

I realized that that wasn't how I wanted the story to end.

I know it's a little late for that, but I feel like I still have a choice, so I'm changing things.

I should've had this crisis moment before I posted this for all of you to read, and for that I'm deeply sorry.

But that chapter will go down, to be replaced by something I want to end my book.

This book is my heart and soul, and it's the months it took me to write it.

I need it to have a proper ending.

Now, for those of you thinking, 'This is it, they're gonna say that they'll come back to post more, and this is the last time we'll ever see them', I understand that.

But I can make you a promise right now, that no work of mine will ever go unfinished.

Wattpad is one of the places that makes me feel so safe and happy, I would never just leave.

I will not orphan this story.

It might take me a bit to figure things out, but I will give you a proper ending to this book.

You guys deserve it, my amazing readers.

Thanks for reading this, even though it's long, and thank you for your understanding.

Nothing's Forever will go on hold until I can figure this out, but I promise I will be back soon.

See you soon, readers.

— Ponzu

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