Plant Based Tendencies

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Gon POV:

I sit up in bed and shut off the alarm clock, then reach over as far as I can, still not wanting to get out of bed, and open the blinds. The sky is cloudy and gray, the sun's light turned pale white from shining through the cloud cover.

I grab my phone and look at the weather. It's humid as hell outside, but Aunt Mito must have cranked the AC because it's freezing inside the house. I huddle back under the covers, still not wanting to get up.

Aunt Mito is going to meet Killua today. I hope it goes well.

Finally I drag myself out of bed and head to the bathroom, turning on the shower water to hot and getting in.

The water is warmer than I usually make it, but it's perfect to be soothing when the house is cold and I'm still sleepy. I didn't sleep much last night, I was a mess of emotions and worry.

The calming aroma of soap fills the air and steam rises off the water, fogging the mirror.

Aunt Mito would want me to open the window so the steam can escape.

I reach for the latch and pull. The window makes a soft click and I drag it open. A gust of warm wind hits my face and arms as it blows through the screen. Even though the wind is warm, it chills my wet skin, making my skin feel sticky. When the wind hits me it's like I become hyper-aware that I'm wet.

I smile, standing on my tippy toes and peeking outside. I see the top of the neighbor's house, but I can't catch a glimpse of Killua's.

I duck down again and grab the body wash, covering myself in it 'til I look like a bubble monster.

I poke my face up to the window again.

Everything's so gray you would think it would be earlier in the morning.

I reach for the bottle of shampoo, but end up fumbling with my wet slippery hands. The bottle falls to the shower floor with a crack.

I thought the bottle was unharmed, but I realize I'm wrong as I feel thick gel begin to ooze around my toes.

"Oh no!" I yelp, snatching the bottle off the floor.

The bottle is made of sturdy flexible plastic, and therefore is perfectly intact, but the cap has shattered into four pieces, the soap leaking out and forming a huge sticky puddle on the shower floor.

"Oh shoot, what a waste..." I say regretfully.

Aunt Mito knocks on the bathroom door.

"You ok in there Gon?" I hear her ask.

"Yea I'm fine, the shampoo bottle fell that's all,"

"Oh, ok then,"

I hear her feet pad away, the creaky floorboards squealing as she walks down the hall.

I set the shampoo bottle back down without the cap. Oh well. I pick up the pieces and throw them away. I'll have to find another way to cover the bottle.

The shower floor is slick with shampoo that won't wash away, and I have to be extra careful not to slip.

I grab some shampoo and quickly wash my hair before getting out and drying off.

I throw on a forest green t-shirt and some brown shorts and brush my hair.

When I head out into the hall, I immediately regret my decision to ever get out of bed. The hardwood floor is cold as ice.

I squeak and dash to my room, pulling on a pair of white socks as fast as humanly possible. Much better.

I hope Killua isn't too stressed about today.

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