Journey from Rogue Black to Lord Black

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29 September, Hogwarts

Months last Friday means a full staff meeting about students' progress, troubles and especially 1st years' settlement. So all the Hogwarts professors are sitting in almost similar fashion like they say in previous meetings.

“Let's start the discussion about our students with first years, Minerva” the headmaster said cheerfully. 

“My gryffindors settled nicely. And many of them are so enthusiastic and have a lot of potential,” head lioness puffed about her cubs. 

“Can you curb their little enthusiasm and tell Miss Granger to write the said length of the essay. I don't have time and patience to read that sad excuse of essays with extra 2fts,” Snape drawled. 

“She is just enthusiastic to learn,” Minerva exclaimed.

“No, she is trying to prove that she is the best student out there and that she knows better,” Snape said seriously.

“There's nothing wrong with that,” Minerva flared.

“Yes, nothing is wrong with that, but the way she does, steals the opportunity of other students by trying to show that she knows everything, not to mention the way that is plain annoying and inconvenient. Her know-it-all attitude will create problems for her only,” Severus snapped.

“Umm, Minerva I kind of agree with Severus. She is your best lion, no doubt but her competitive streak may create problems, I am sure no one here has missed the glare she shoots towards miss Prince-Black” Professor Sprout said slowly and softly as talking to enraged lioness protecting her cub, which is not far from analogy. Minerva's lips thinned in the straight line 

“I'll talk to her,” Minerva said solemnly.

“I am sure Minerva will deal with her cub, let's move on. Severus,” the headmaster asked, diffusing the argument.

“My snakes have settled well,”


“Is no one going to complain about the slimy snakes' bullying,” James Potter jumped in between the conversation.

“Do you have any proof against my snakes Potter,” the black clad man scoffed.

“Who cares about proof Snape, everyone knows that snakes bully other students,” James said as if he was saying a well-known irreversible fact.

“If you ever punish my snakes without any proof Potter, I'll make sure you lose this job also. Heard you got kicked out from the auror department,” Severus taunted.


“How about we continue this meeting, I have to attend the wizengamot session in an hour,” Sirius cutted whatever Potter was about to say.

“Ah yes, Sirius, my boy, you are right. Wizengamot is a very tiring business. That's why I don't advise teaching with Lord duties. I am glad James doesn't have to do double jobs,” Dumbledore said in his usual grandfather persona, subtly suggesting how his teachers should leave their lord's responsibility to him just like James Potter did. 

“That's one way to say chief warlock Dumbledore,” Sirius countered in the most neutral voice and poker face(people close to him know that face mean 'what you are talking is full of shit') making Dumbledore lose twinkles in his eyes, his jab wasn't lost to many, creating an uncomfortable moment for them. Dumbledore cleared his throat and asked to continue. If a certain cat lady noticed a very tiny smirk tugging at a black clad man she didn't say anything.

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