When Snake met Mongoose

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Sirius was not the only one who was looking out for his daughter. Beside him, his husband, Lord Severus Prince-Black or professionally known as Severus Snape was also surveying the hall. He was worried about the protection of students because of that bloody stone but, till now he hasn't seen any sign of the dark Lord. He was hoping that the Dark Lord would consider him loyal and reach out to him. 

Minerva brought the first years , there were 40 mini-humans coming down the hall looking at the surroundings with awe. He can't blame them. He is working here for more than 10 years plus the 7 years of his education, still he is astonished by the castle's magic. 

He saw a girl in between the line, with wild bushy hair, was telling something to the students. Behind her, a boy who looked like a carbon copy of the Potter (must be Potter spawn) jeered with a red head boy ( Merlin, another Weasley how many are more) at her. All the first years lined up for sorting after the hat finished its song and sorting started. That bushy hair girl sorted in Gryffindor, Longbottom boy (Frank Longbottom's son, another candidate for prophecy as he came to know when he went to Dumbledore with request of saving Lily) followed her soon. He internally rolled his eyes at the smug face of his godson Draco Malfoy for sorted in his house. Soon Potter's spawn was called and people's reactions were, as he expected, overdramatic (it's merely fucking sorting not some epic duel that he has won). Soon the person was called, for whom he had been waiting impatiently since morning (not that anyone can tell……umm maybe except his husband). He felt his husband's hand over him beneath the table and he squeezed it. Hat was taking a long to sort his girl, it usually takes 10-20 seconds for normal students but he can't blame the hat, his girl is not like those normal dunderheads, she is special. It'll take time, he told himself. 

“Ravenclaw,” the hat shouted. He relaxed slightly. He looked at his husband, he had won the bet. Like hell he would lose, especially over something about his daughter. Now his husband owes him a nice vacation. He saw his daughter looking at them with an unsure smile for a second and he gave a brief nod and very tiny smile for reassurance that even though she is not in his house he is really happy. Beside him he saw Black beamed at her for the same. He would have loved to have her in his house and he is 100% sure that the hat had offered that. He knew she could be in any house, well except maybe Hufflepuff, but better she started her journey separated from her parents' influence. She would be great. And they would be there with their daughter not only to protect her from everything but also help her to be great.

Severus, till to this day, can’t believe he has a loving husband and a world’s sweetest daughter and he loves them so much. He had thoughts that after loving Lily, he couldn’t love anyone. He had always thought he didn't have patience for small children. He thought they are annoying, well he still thinks most of them are but having a child in your life changes you.


(Severus POV)

 It all started with Dumbledore forcing me to continue his job after the war. I was going to the headmaster's office cursing Dumbledore for not letting me resign and making me teach some dunderheads who can't hold a knife properly. I never want to teach, I don't have patience for it. I had thought if I teach students terribly, Dumbledore would fire me and I can research Potions unobstructed, but no, Dumbledore didn't do anything. He ignored the complaints students came with about me, it infuriated me so much. I reached outside the office when I heard some commotion inside. Voice seemed familiar so I tried to listen (I'm Slytherin, information can be treasure for us, hmmm okay I clearly didn't learn from prophecy incident) 

“We are nothing like them, and I break the friendship with you who can't understand the importance of family” the owner of the voice shouted. It clicked to me it is the voice of that bloody James Potter. Who is he shouting at? With whom is he breaking friendship. Surely not Black, that's impossible.

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