The Stone Protection

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July 1 1991,

It is 10 O'clock in the morning, and a lean man in black slack and black button down shirt, is making his way toward the headmaster's office in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, bellowing his black robes behind him, with blank expression but annoyance can be seen through his eyes. The man has silky straight shoulder-length black hair. He is pale, not unhealthy but by seeing him one can see that the man does not go in the sun frequently. Face contains black eyes that look like an endless tunnel and has a unique nose that would have looked bad if he didn't have high cheekbones or have sunken cheeks, but on the face of the man with features that compliments it, it looks good. Overall man is handsome in his own way.

Upon reaching the Gargoyle man utter the password and climb the stairs. Reaching the door he can listen to some familiar voices indicating the headmaster is not alone. Entering the office when permitted, the man sees that the office is occupied by a man with long white beard wearing midnight blue robe with moons and star on it and half-moon glasses, named Albus Dumbledore-headmaster of Hogwarts, in the head chair and two other people occupying the visitor's chair. One of the chairs is taken by a woman with auburn hair that reaches to her mid waist, wearing a knee length periwinkle dress. Her emerald eyes are twinkling with happiness and in one look anyone can describe her as beautiful. Beside her sat a tall man with very messy brown hair that defies gravity in a simple muggle Henley shirt and blue jeans and a square framed wired spectacles that covers his hazel eyes. Three of them see him with varied expressions, the headmaster with jovialness, the woman with a somewhat soft smile and the man expression turn into mockery smirk when he saw the man.

“Severus, my boy, glad you could make it” said the old headmaster cheerfully. The man, Severus Snape, youngest Potion Master and Potion Professor of Hogwarts, cringed inwardly but kept his expression neutral on the outside.

“Good to see you again, Severus,” the woman said softly.

“Sniv….” “James” the man beside her started but stopped by his wife’s reprimanding tone.

“I mean Snape, you finally learn to wash your hair”

“James, don’t talk to him like that” chide his wife.

“Lily. love I am just joking….” James tried to explain to his wife but shut his mouth seeing her glare.

Severus just rolls his eyes inwardly at the other man’s behavior but remains unaffected by it.

“Headmaster, Lord, Lady Potter” he greeted them with a nod.

“I am assuming that you have a very good reason to disturb me during my holidays, headmaster” Severus asked the headmaster while reaching towards the unoccupied chair.

“It's not like you were doing some great work apart from burying your big nose in slimy potion books “ James muttered but kept it silent as his wife was glaring at him.

Severus looked at him with disgust and said “as expected your gormless mind can’t understand the importance of the books”.

James was about to retort but his wife shushed him.

“Yes, Severus, I have news, Lily here decided to join us as muggle studies professor and James had taken a flying instructor post as Rolanda is joining the Department of magical sports in ministry” the old headmaster explained to him before the fight escalate.

“Okay, I am supremely happy that the Great Potter family decided to grace us with their presence this year but did you call me? I am hoping this is not the most important information for this meeting.” Severus said with annoyance showing in his voice now.

“Don't talk about my family like this Snivelus. At least I have a family” James said angrily.

Severus just snorted and looked at the headmaster for his answer. This just makes Potter lord more furious.

“I have called you for a reason” The headmaster looked pointedly at the three of them like they are school children but continued. “ There is something very important that is going to hide in the castle this year.”

“Don’t beat the bush Albus, just come to the point” Severus said annoyed and surprisingly both others nodded in agreement.

“Alright, Nicholas Flammel, as you know he is my friend, asked me to protect his stone because someone is after it” The headmaster told them about the situation.

“ And why can’t he protect it himself?” James asked the headmaster.

“Because the man who is after it very powerful and can break any wards” the headmaster hint them about the situation.
“The Dark Lord” Severus whispered a dawning realization and three of them looked at him. “The Dark lord is after it, and you want to bring that thing to the castle full of students, have you gone senile Albus? Severus asked angrily. James and Lily also look at the headmaster to decline such an accusation.

“Yes, there is no place safer than Hogwart. We have to set up different traps for the protection of the philosopher's stone” The headmaster said gravely like he himself doesn't like this.

“Let me get this straight, you want the Philosopher's stone in the castle for its protection from You-know-who, in a place full of students and also boy-who-lived will also be there.” Lily said slowly like she cant's believe her own words.
“ We don’t have an option if Voldemort” three of them flinch “manage to get the stone he will come back” the headmaster tries to explain the gravity of the situation.

Severus didn't correct him that even if The Dark Lord the stone he will manage to return, after all he had bragged to his death eater many times how he had gone beyond anyone to make himself immortal.

“So you want to bring stone to the castle and set up different traps for its protection” Severus summarized.

“Yes my boy I want you , Minerva, Fillius and Quirinis to set up different trap in your field of expert and both you Lily and James for keeping an eye out for any threat.” the headmaster explained.

“Quirinus, as in Quirinus Quirrell” Severus asked and got a nod from the headmaster. “He was a muggle studies professor, why would he set up the trap?” Severus asked in astonishment.

“He will be joining us as DADA professor this year”. The headmaster told them. Severus just looked at him incredulously. Other two just looked at them questionably as they did not understand what the problem was.

“Severus, my boy, just trust me.” The headmaster assured him. Severus did not say anything as he knew this was the lost cause.

“If this is all headmaster” Severus asked.

“Yes, I want to prepare the trap by the end of this month. I hope you can do it.” The headmaster asked.

Severus just nodded and started to get off from the office. He can listen to Potter Lord asking something as he gets out of the door. His mind is still reeling about the dark lord and the headmaster. He knew that Dumbledore doesn’t do anything with a single motive. There was a time when he used to think that the dark lord was very manipulative. But then he started to work with…or should he say for Dumbledore, he came to realize that the dark lord was mild. The Dark Lord used to use the image of a powerful man who is very dangerous, and he often used magic to force his people to bid his wishes. But Dumbledore uses a persona of a grandfather who is little lunatic but an erudite person, who is powerful but is benevolent. His subjects think that they are doing things on their own Dumbledore has only suggested it. People who are not his followers also come to him for advice just look at esteem minister. But, he is not Slytherin for nothing. Manipulating people who are known for their underhanded tricks and manipulating things for their own good do not easily fall for this. No wonder Dumbledore doesn’t like Slytherin. Well never mind, he has to reach home and tell ‘him’ about all of this. Thinking about all of this he disapparited.

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