Chapter Twenty- Two

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Loving you had consequences.

The air around the castle seemed to be fresher

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The air around the castle seemed to be fresher.

Who knew losing Daemon to his own gabbling lifestyle would end up with me speaking of air as if it was a child with life inside of it.

I sighed taking in the beautiful joy of the sun before being practically jumped on by not only Rhaenyras children but even Alicents older children but Aemond who sat next to myself and his cousins and siblings

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked them but they didn't answer so I simply closed my eyes and held my head high to the sky as I heard Rhaegal land nearby

It's been strange these last few years I could feel my dragons, understand them even, order them to do something simply by thinking it

My thoughts were interrupted by Helana who remained next to me gasping

I shot my head to her "what is the matter?" I asked before her shocked face turned into a smile and she shook her head towards me before standing up, bowing and running over to three children, two girls with darker skin and trademarked Targaryen hair along with a taller boy next to them


Fuck me sideways. Can't he just stay dead?

"Thinking of someone?" Daemon asked sitting down next to me

Yes you.


Hatred wasn't something I felt it was my mothers cliche that I refused to join but as of late people became more irritating well not so much people more like-


"Did you miss me?" He asked i could see his smirk from the corner of my eye, I didn't respond just wishing for him to go away "I hear you've become queen of the north-"

"I hear you've taken my bastard sister as your whore" I snapped


"Oh and that you married a woman who is now dead" I scoffed before looking at him, I placed my hand on his "This will never happen again-" he cut me off

He interlaced our fingers "but it feels so right" he interrupted and I scoffed again

"And your head would look so beautiful on a spike" I groaned before taking my hand back and standing up "I would rather die than ever be claimed as 'yours' again" I said/ yelled

Aemond stared as I walked past the group of children and began to curse myself under my breath as I walked to the council meeting room

"Ah Queen Daphne-" I interrupted Otto by slamming my hands down on the council table

"Why the fuck do none of you old cunts tell me a thing?" I asked angrily

"Excuse you- your grace!" One of the round fat people yelled

"Oh shut it" Alicent stated before sipping her wine

"what is your grievance Daphne?" Viserys asked seeming tired

"Daemon" I told them "fucking Daemon is my grievance only I don't get to do it in the fun way because" I took a breath and stopped pacing up and down the bottom of the table and facing them all before I continued "He. Is. A. Whore!" I yelled

My blood was now boiling and I wanted nothing more than to roast Daemon with me "He is a man he is allowed to change his mind" Lord Corlys stated

"Like your own loyalties changed when Viserys refused to marry a child" I snapped looking at him "how did that end again? Oh yes by your daughter having children to a man who just about knows his own name Nevermind his whores" venom laced my voice

"How dare you! Lenea was your friend! Your ally your cousin!" He yelled I rolled my eyes

"Do you really believe she will mind? Shall we ask her?" I made an oh sound at the end "oh that's right, she's dead" I stated before moving closer to the table "I want Daemon gone" I told them

"We cannot just throw the prince out your grace" Otto stated

But if I was offering myself up you would right?

Fucking men.

"Fine then" I uttered calming myself down "I apologise Lord Corlys, uncle" I gave him a smile before turning and walking out

"That really all you think of him?" Aemond asked scaring me half to death making me shove him as we began to walk

"Don't scare me" we laughed as we were soon joined by the gardens

"You know you do not have to only be the queen to the north-"

"Only the north?" I asked laughing "they're people there people I happen to love"

"And yet you do not live there" I sighed in defeat

"You are correct this place feels more like home to anywhere else" I told him smiling slightly

"If we united our houses you could be queen of everything" Aemond stated looking up at the sky


I looked around questioning myself, what would Alicent think? Or Rhaenyra? Or gods forbid Viserys. Although My cousin wishes to give me everything I want? But at what cost? Daemons cost was everything but after all I knew that-

Loving you had consequences


Short chapter i know I'm sorry also apologised for the pain of these two chapters but I swear next chapter may be happy or sad. I have no idea

Should Daphne accept Aemond ? And give Daemon a piece of his own medicine or should she return to him?? Hmmmm

Think of the angry sex though?

Okay I might be in it just for the sex

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