Chapter Fifteen.

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Rhaegal returned during Daemons moments of silence and I began to dress, in front of Daemon, he has seen most it before but I hid the intimate bits dragging the sheet in front and behind me Ignoring Daemons annoyed groan as I walked towards my red...

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Rhaegal returned during Daemons moments of silence and I began to dress, in front of Daemon, he has seen most it before but I hid the intimate bits dragging the sheet in front and behind me
Ignoring Daemons annoyed groan as I walked towards my red coloured room divider.

I finished getting dressed and walked from behind the divider as Rhaegal gave me a look and tilted his head then looked at Daemon

"Daor ao gaomagon daor emagon naejot call zirȳla kepa" I told him with a smile which made him roar and roll on the ground which made me laugh

No you do not have to call him father

Daemon laughed "I keep forgetting you can speak High Valerian my Princess" he walked closer to me and stopped once we were close enough

My princess.

I looked at him "stop" I told him he put up his hands in defence

"That is your title princess" he smirked I rolled my eyes "although we both know even if it wasn't I would continue to call you my princess because you to put it simply are My princess" I turned away from him hiding a slight blush but of course  Daemon wouldn't take that for an answer and made me turn back to him by grabbing my hand I looked down at them as he interlaced them "This is what we were born to be" I laughed at his comment

"Your older than me" I stated ignoring the fact none of us in the kingdom really mentioned age

"And you are more beautiful" I laughed again before my mouth turned into a smile

"You do realise your grace you just complimented yourself?" I told him He smirked

Damn that stupid smirk

"And you which is more important" he stated smiling down at me

I met his eyes, I could've melted in his hands if he wished it not because of power or whom is higher to the throne but simply because he had a whole part of me that missed him

My entire heart melted at his touch.
My head went in a frenzy thinking of all the ungodly things he could do to me, for me.

"You are a bad influence" I told him smiling down at our hands, he got close to my ear before speaking

"Only for you" He whispered

My heart.

We were interrupted by Rhaenyra running into my chambers

"Otto Hightower!-" she cut herself off noticing Daemon and I

I let go of his hand and took a step back before turning to Rhaenyra "Yes Rhaenyra?" I asked

"Your engaged to Otto-" she cut herself off once more looking at Daemon

I glanced up at him he looked angry and slightly hurt but he covered it when he noticed me staring

"Excuse me Princesses" he uttered before going to leave

"Im not engaged to Otto" I told them "Otto wants to marry me but" I glanced at Daemon before continuing "someone else apparently wants my hand" I added " that is what the king told me" I finished

"Why does Otto want to marry you?" Rhae asked making Daemon chuckle

"She's beautiful that is why Rhaenyra" He said I shook my head and let out a laugh

"Go uncle" Rhae told him "we have to have girl talk" she told him making me Laugh

Daemon left, leaving Rhaenyra and I alone

I smiled wide at the thought of Daemon making Rhae laugh

"You're in love!" Rhaenyra yelled making me laugh

"No I am not" I told her shrugging "maybe just a little bit" I added

"I am so glad for you Daph" she said which earned me, her engulfing me in a hug the moment we pulled apart Rhaegal jumped into Rhaenyras hands "I still cannot believe you named him after me" I smiled at her comment

" you are my person Rhaenyra" I smiled as we sat on my freshly made bed.

"you're going to be my aunt!" I laughed at her comment

"Rhae no matter what happens or does not happen I just want to be your friend" I told her

"forever?" She asked

I held out my pinky finger which made her smile before she wrapped her small finger around mine

"Forever" I said

We unwrapped our fingers and she threw me into a hug pushing me down onto the floor making us both laugh as we pulled apart I remained with my arm around her as we lay on the ground Rhaegal sitting on top of us

Making us laugh even harder as Viserys walked in on us laughing once he spotted the shape we were in, he sat on my bed smiling at us

"My girls" he stated making us sit up, I kept my arm around Rhaenyras shoulder

"Yes father"

"Yes uncle"

"You both forgot to tell me about Daphnes birthday" he said with a stern look but a smile

"My mothers here Uncle I do not wish anymore surprises" I told him making him and Rhae laugh

We sat in a comfortable silence as Rhaegal flew around my room then fell onto my bed

"He still isn't flying?" Viserys asked as I picked him up in my hands

"He is still learning uncle"

"It's been over a year since he even flew for the first time" Viserys said as I smiled at Rhaegal

"A child doesn't run before they can walk uncle" he smiled at me before chucking and shaking his head as Rhaegal turned on his head looking at us

Rhaegal was to the height of my knee to the floor but was still tiny enough to fit in my room.

"I hear Daphne and uncle Daemon are to be wed" Rhaenyra said pulling me out of my thoughts and making me slightly choke her with the arm that was still around her shoulder making us both fall to the ground in one motion

My hair covered my face making Viserys laugh when we sat up

I fixed my hair and looked at him unsure of what to say I got silent

"We shall see Rhaenyra" he stated "Come we shall eat" he said and placed out his hand for me to take, I did so and he helped Rhaenyra stand also

We walked out together, the king walked in front of us while Rhaenyra and I walked together

"I almost died because of you" she said and dramatically placed her hand on her head indicating a faint making us both laugh together as we entered the hall

I interlaced our arms as we walked earning stares from most of the men in the room but the only one that mattered to me was Daemons his eyes followed my figure until we sat at the table

I sat at the free seat next to him while Rhae sat next to her father

Daemons hand rested on my thigh sending a shiver up my spine, his eyes held lust as he smirked while I smiled at him.

Every time I saw him lately he always had a glimpse of


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