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Right after the instructions had been given, which stated that a person had to find the thing assigned to him with his roommate, everybody set out for their new adventure which was more about exploring the building than actually finding their object.

As per Nanon's instructions, both the roommates reached the top floor with a flashlight in their hands. The building lights were out as per the rules of the game. This was the most horrifying and unpleasant treasure hunt Nanon had ever played. Krist's morbid behaviour often scared the crap of out him. Since childhood he had been a little on creepy side.

The surrounding felt eerie with soft winds blowing. Ohm seemed to be pretty normal standing next to him, as if he was used to dwelling in dark and silence. Still in his thoughts, Nanon heard distant footsteps and snapped back to reality realising that the other had just left him behind. He flashed his light towards the other quickly jogging up to him. Ohm turned to face the source of light flashing upon him and a crooked smile creeped up his face.

Nanon loudly shrieked, his eyes widening in the process. He almost fell down to the floor if Ohm didn't catch him in time. Ohm was taken aback by the others sudden act of fright.

Nanon sighed harshly knowing too well that his facade of bravery had just fallen down to hell. Instead of mocking Nanon, which Ohm usually would've, he chose to hold the other's hand, given the situation. He wanted to respect the other's feelings, so he dragged the younger along with himself. A light blush creeped over Nanon's cheeks which for sure went unnoticed by the other in the dark.

In regular patterns, the lights rays from both their flashlights, moved from wall to wall, from floor to ceiling. Though both of them assumed that nothing possibly could be stuck to the ceiling. A creaking sound echoed in the hallway and Nanon paused in his actions. Heart beating a faster pace, he looked towards Ohm, who in return, squeezed his had reassuring him. Both nodded at each other and continued walking like nothing had happened.

In the dark of the night, Ohm's face looked a lot more malevolent that it would have in the daylight, his voice, a lot more deep and menacing and his smile, a lot more creepy and hair raising. The only thing reassuring in the other's exterior at that point, was his hand. Hand that was holding onto Nanon's tight, not with the intention of letting go.

Ohm wondered why they had not yet run into any of the other people. Was this area forbidden? He thought. What if something had actually happened on the top floor in the past? The corridor and rooms seemed pretty unkempt to him. Dusty walls with cob webs, doors barely hanging on broken hinges and forming creaky sounds. Beds completely covered in white bed sheets and nets. Why were they hanging around here again? Oh wait. Nanon's idea. "Not many would look at the top floor, I'm sure they'd hide the items there." is what the younger had said, dusting his shirt by the collar trying to shed some common sense upon the older.

But now, he himself was freaked out, holding onto the older's hand for his dear life. Ohm internally chuckled. He decided on not sharing his hotel mystery assumptions with the already terrified being next to him. He wanted to hug the younger but that would be inappropriate based on their current situation.

Nanon kept walking and walking, a simple blue water bottle, was their assigned item and he couldn't even find that. What a shame, he thought. What if it was back there at the ground floor? Would people actually come to this place just to hide a bottle? Did he make the right decision by coming here? This corridor looked alot more better when there was power supply right? Was he supposed to actually find the object or he could give up midway? No, he wasn't a quitter. But, he sure was a scaredy cat. He felt frustrated that he wasn't the brave one out of the two and wasn't supporting the other. He felt ashamed of himself for being like this, specially infront of the older.

His hands felt cold and his feet haulted. No warmth of a body could be felt radiating next to him. He closed his eyes slowly. It's probably nothing. Check with the torch. His hand is there. It's there, it's there, it's there. He mentally chanted. His hands trembled and he brought his torch up to check his other hand. It isn't there... now what?


Singto and Krist were casually strolling from corridor to corridor. After the chat with Ohm, Singto felt good and seemed to be alot nice and cheery around Krist which did surprise the other to some extent. Their item was a small white box. They weren't sure if the box was supposed to wrapped in white or white in colour. They just decided on picking up whatever similar thing they found on the way.

Throughout the walk till the second floor, Singto kept regretting and contemplating on his decision of how he treated the other. Afterall, they were friends right? He wasn't supposed to be a bitch to him. So what if the other had feelings for him? Till now he had done nothing but harmless flirting. He helped the older when he needed, and wanted nothing, but simple friendship back. He even gave the raven head good advices from time to time. Singto snapped back to reality and dragged the other by his shirt sleeve for him to walk faster. Krist chuckled increasing his pace.

Both were accustomed to the dark. There definitely was no way a heroic moment was happening there. Singto rubbed his forehead, the light from his torch momentarily falling to the floor. Krist who was looking nowhere in particular, suddenly spotted something ahead of them in the light. He tapped Singto's shoulder gently.

"huh?" the other turned around.

"I think i found it."

"You did?"

"Yeah right infront of us."

They slowly trotted forward and in no time Krist got down on his knees. He picked the box up, Singto helping him see clearer with his torch. They both smiled at each other and started retreating back to the ground floor.

"Wasn't it too easy for us?" Singto said chuckling.

"yeah, just the fact that we had to climb two damn floors." Singto lightly pushed him by the arm and both laughed.

"You really should start exercising. you are just sooo unfit."

"I'm okay like this. Two days into running the way you do and I'd be found dead in some trash can." Singto burst into fits of laughter.

"Can I say something to you?" He sincerely asked. Both stopped in their tracks and looked directly at each other.


"Let's be friends for real now." Singto scratched his nape continuing. "i know i have mistreated you alot and i guess i was very wrong for that so I'm sorry."

Krist smiled. "If you want i could exchange rooms with Chittsawangdee"

"No no. it's okay. i do not mind sharing a room with you. i just, i don't know what happened to me earlier. Let's forget about it."

Krist happily nodded. They held playful conversations their entire walk to the cafeteria. Krist placed their item in the carton and slashed his and Singto's name out on the list. He wondered what was taking the others so long. When they got their's after climbing up two floors, did nobody find their item on the first or ground floor before them? he was also very worried about his cousin. Scratch that, he was worried about him the most. When they were young, Nanon was undoubtedly a brave and adventurous kid but the only thing that stopped him was the night. He was afraid of the fall of dark in the night. He was somewhat still okay walking from room to room in his house but this place was different? Krist wondered how he was holding up. Was Ohm of any help?

 Was Ohm of any help?

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