Date with a Vegan

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Being a vegan surrounded by meat lovers was hard

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Being a vegan surrounded by meat lovers was hard. They wanted to put meat in everything, not caring how it was sourced. They didn’t care about severe animal cruelty or the harsh conditions these animals lived in. They didn’t care that the meat packing and production facilities weren’t concerned with healthy or hygienic practices and were breeding centers for bacteria and illness. They didn’t care about the labor exploitation. They couldn’t even be sure it was real cow or chicken. All they knew was that meat and animal byproducts appeared in packages or on plates and they tasted good.

“What veggies you got on that grill, Kev,” she peaked over his side hoping for some onion and pepper kebabs, maybe a little grilled pineapple.

“Links. Hot dogs. Fish.. More links.”

“Triflin,” she glared, softening when he showed her to her own plate of a grilled veggie stir fry complete with tofu. She kissed his cheek.

She was so used to people acting funny about her eating habits and tired of being teased by her friend group and pressured. Just as they hated when she preached from a high horse, she hated the way they paraded their veganphobia.

“Liv,” Hayden appeared with a Tupperware bowl. “I brought you these vegan meatballs to try. I think they’re pretty tasty, try one. Tell me how it tastes to you.”

Olivia started to take one but they didn’t look right. “They look like regular meatballs..”

“Oh no I got them at Sam’s Club and they’re like.. soy.”

Olivia’s gut said no. Hayden wanted a cheap laugh expecting her to eat it and love it and say ‘Wow this tastes as good as meat,’ Luckily she had a few good friends to clue her in and she was correct. It wasn’t funny to her that a friend of 20 years would try to trick her and though they’d been buddies, the friendship was terminated due to disrespect. Olivia needed a new circle of vegan foodies to eat with and trade recipes with.. people she could trust not to gaslight or lie.. people who saw things similarly and enjoyed what she enjoyed.

A vegan meetup seemed the perfect place to meet like minded people and talk for an hour or two. She looked for something local but it seemed very white and bland, so she set one up herself hoping it would attract more melanin and it did. Everyone said they had the idea to meet other vegans of color but no one had made an effort to create anything. They were so glad Olivia took the initiative. Panera had space, wifi, and vegan options that made a good snack or lunch. They took over a few tables for a couple hours as she’d hoped, discussing their favorite eateries, vegetable dishes, and ways to make things taste better than meat or cheese. As far as food went she’d found her people and she wasn’t the only one with a BBQ story. Others had experienced similar situations with the people in their lives. They understood her.

The regularity of the vegan meetups bonded everyone together, so much so that cliques and relationships began to form within the group. Everyone wondered about her relationship status. Why was she single? Did she want a hookup? Everyone seemed to have one for her in their back pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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