American Horror Story 🔞

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After popping two bags of popcorn and pouring it into a large bowl, Ryley was ready to sit down with Erik and start the AHS: Cult marathon.

"Ew, no," she yelled entering her bedroom. He was already stretched across the bed and he'd started the first episode. Riley looked at the screen to make sure she wasn't tripping. "Erik," she paused. "Skip the damn episode, please, you know it got the shit I don't like in it," Ryley squinted grabbing at the firestick remote. He switched hands.

"What? The thing with the holes? You can handle blood and gore just fine, smell and all, but little bitty holes are too much?" The episode continued and Ryley began to lose her patience. "Have a seat," Erik said patting the empty space beside him on the bed. He ignored her scowl, reserved to doing exactly what he was doing despite her irritation. All the warnings she'd seen including the warnings from some of her sisters said to skip the first episode if you have trypophobia. Erik didn't want to listen.

"If you tryna watch this knowing there's a trypophobia warning, then you can watch it by yourself, cuh," she said turning to leave the bedroom.

"Nah. Sit yo ass down. If it get scary, close yo eyes and reach for me. That's what I'm here for, though I still don't understand why you scared of holes. Don't you have three good ones?" He reached for the popcorn in Ryley's hand, but she moved it away.

"Erik. We won't miss anything it's just the first episode."

"We will miss something. We'll be missing the first episode! It's called American Horror Story, you're supposed to be grossed out and scared, Rye Bread, get over it. We missing the plot now by arguing about it."

"I swear you get on my nerves," she groaned sitting the popcorn on the bed. His hand immediately reached for a handful. "You don't get it, but that's alright."


"Nah. That's okay." She laid across the bed on her stomach and pulled her phone from her jeans' back pocket, looking up at the tv screen every so often. She could hear. She didn't need to see.

"Ry, they got Twisty this season. You love Twisty." He rubbed her back and she glanced up to see the killer clown violently murder a caucasian couple. Her attention was captured until it was revealed to be a story within the story, unattached to the overall plot. The little boy was only reading a Twisty comic, but apparently his mother, Sarah Paulson, was afraid of clowns. Phobia.That was Ryley's clue that the disgusting images were coming. Angling her head down, she quickly refocused on her phone. She could hear Sarah Paulson discussing her phobias and suddenly she felt Erik shift. When she looked up at him, his lip was curled heavily in disgust and his eyes were half shut in a squint, his brows downturned.

"You saw the little holes didn't you," she asked smugly, already knowing the answer. He cringed and his disgust was almost palpable.

"If it gets scary, close yo eyes," she mocked with a gruff voice.

"It's not scary, it's disgusting," his brow bounced like he was trying to calculate how he could be so disgusted by an image. Ryley scoffed.

"Stupid ass, know it all but ignorant ass, baby hands steady trembling, pitbull-built, annoying ass nigga. That's what you get, you wanted to see it and you saw it."

"Shut up, you ain't say it was gonna be like that. You just said holes."

"No bro, you're just stubborn and don't wanna listen with them little elf ears.. but now you get it. Turtle-sloth in the brain having nigga."

"Call me a nigga one more time, Ryley. I'm a rewind the shit and make you watch it."

"Oh you don't wanna threaten me. I'm not the one for that, nigga."

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