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Odell Beckham Jr × Crinasia

Smut, Hypnosis, Sex Pollen?, 🏳️‍🌈 LGBT


A well known viral hypnotist had set up shop and was recording on campus and he'd gathered a lil crowd or whatever. Crinasia was always a skeptic, the type to ask the questions no one else wanted to ask. "I don't care bout ya lil sighin," her lip curled, eyes rolling at her best friend. He was like a happy ass kid who felt like street hypnosis was real and he was ret'ta be made a BooBoo the Fool of on the innanet. Crinasia was not convinced. "No cuz I'm 'sposed to believe these people ain't paid actors? Broke as we college students are? Get ya views, honey, but I don't buy it."

"Girl, you so damn anti. Hold my purse."

It was a lil satchel, but he tossed it at her as he approached the lying ass white boy who had his film crew and was asking for volunteers. 'Volunteers'.

"Odell is here," bestie announced giving his model face to the camera with his best angles. He was eating.

"Ah," her tongue stuck out in pride.

"So have you ever been hypnotized," The hypnotist asked, shoving a mic in his face.

"No," he smiled sweetly, "But my friend says you fakkke," he gritted on her, blinking his eyes back to the hypnotist. "I beliee you tho."

"Friend? Is she your girlfriend by chance," the hypnotist looked between the two.

Crinasia's face said 'tf you think?'

Odell took one look at Crinasia and, "HA," he bleated, "Baby if you can't tell," his wrist bent in demonstration to send the message as his tongue popped. "Ok?! I skipped gold, my star platinum, cut from the pooch no cooch," he held his abs in demonstration. He'd never touched a coochie in his damn life. The audience was on his side already and the hypnotist was eatin it up.

"Friend, don't explain yourself. This a whole YouTube show for views and clicks, ain't shit real."

"Can the friend step up," the mic moved to her face. "What's your name?"


"Crinasia! If it's not real you have no reason not to try it, right? It's fake so there's no problem. Right? Stay right here," the hypnotist gestured gathering four more people. "I need all of you to look behind me at the line of trees, look at them and look far past them in your mind letting your body relax. Arms relaxed, head relaxed, shoulders relaxed, back relaxed, legs relaxed. Focus on feeling your limbs heavy and weighted. Heavy, relaxed. Heavy, relaxed. Sleep," he snapped. Instantly all six heads dropped including Crinasia's. The small crowd went stupid.

He went down the line feeding lies and fake lives. "You're in the middle of an orgasm that won't stop. Sleep... The man beside you is cheating on you with a woman in the crowd. Sleep... You forgot your name and why you're here. Sleep... You're childhood dog just died and you're depressed. Sleep..." When he reached Odell and Crinasia, "You're dating your best girl friend here. Sleep... You think I'm the best hypnotist ever. Sleep..." He winked to the crowd. "When I say wake my words will become you're reality. Wake," he snapped creating CHAOS.

"HUhn~.. hUhn~" The first girl almost moaned holding onto her pussy like it was finna run from her body. She had no fuckin shame hunchin over and cummin on herself over and over, nothin telling her to be embarrassed.

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