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Vendetta Moore

The only sound in this kitchen is the sound of both of our eratic heart beats. My mate and I stare at each other, almost begging with our eyes for the other one to speak first. I feel my nerves racing around my body, something I have never really expierenced before. I was always cool and collected.

Just think of this as an iterrogation! I tought to myself, you always stayed calm during those. 

I took a deep breath as I placed my hands on the cool granite counter top, liking how it feels against my burning skin.

"so, uhh..." I try to start. Words suddenly failing me. I gulp. "I am not sure how to start this, or even what to say. So bear with me. Please." My eyes shift from his face to my hands on the counter top, where I fiddle with my fingers. 

I look up to meet Lucca's eyes again. I swear I could get lost in those pools of green forever. Ugh, focus Vendetta!  Lucca nodds at me in understanding, leaning back on the counter now, arms folded across his chest. 

"So I have been doing a lot of thinking, and I think I am willing to try... " I say softly, suddenly feeling embarrassed and vulnerable. Two emotions I have not felt since I was a child. Since my parents left me. I look down once I feel heat rush up to my face. No doubt blushing like a little girl.

As I said those words, I hear Lucca's breath hitch just a little bit. If it wasn't for my werewolf hearing, I would have missed it for sure. I hear him take steps towards me, sparks errupting through my body as he places his fingers under my chin. Bringing my eyes up to meet his.

"What are you willing to try?" He asks slowly, his voice deep with pleasure at my confession. Lucca brings his thumb up to my cheek and caresses it softly. Butterflies errupt in my stomach at the romantic gesture. I have to stop myself from the intrusive thoughts that say I don't deserve this, that I don't want this. I push myself to stay rooted in my spot, and relish in the feelings my mate gives me. 

With our close proximity, I am almost completely wrapped up in Lucca's body heat. The warmth and his scent enveloping me entierly, and I love it. 

I can see he is hoping for a reaction from me. Lucca sports a small smirk as his eyes get darker with want. He knows what I am willing to try, he knows I am ready to accept him as my mate. Flash backs of the sinful dream I had last night pop up in my mind, and I cannot help myself. 

I run my hands up Lucca's stomach and chest, feeling the grooves of his abs as I rise to my feet. I grow a smirk of my own as I pratically feel Lucca almost purr from my touch. Lucca moves impossibly closer, placing his hands on the counter behind me. Successfully trapping me in between his arms. 

"Now now," I say, taking my time with my words. "You know the answer to that, Lucca..." I can feel my canines extending at the tension brewing between us. The sparks flowing through my fingers, up my arms and through my whole body from just the slight touch is already intense. Its addicting, and I cannot get enough of it.

"Yes, I suppose so..." Lucca basically growls, eyes totally black with lust at this point. I don't need to mark him to see what he is feeling. He puts it on full display for me to see. He wraps one of his arms around the small of my back, pushing me flush against his chest. "But I just want to hear you say it, my mate." he nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, breathing in my scent.

I can feel Grim purring in the back of my head. Ever since I came to the conclusion that I wanted to make things work with Lucca, she has been on cloud nine. Now being this close to our mate, she has basically ascended into heaven. I would be there too if Lucca wasn't holding me, bringing me back to earth. If this is just a fraction of what having a mate is like, I am excited to see what else comes with it.

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