Chapter 11

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After my most recent awkward interaction with my former guy BFF, I debate what to do next. Go back to bed? Take myself for a walk? Try out the gym . . . or maybe just scream at the sky in frustration for a while?

Okay, perhaps the last option is a little overdramatic. But my unwanted feelings for Ryan are definitely getting to me. Being in close proximity to him is going to be harder than I thought.

But he's going to have to warm to me at some point, regardless of how he's actually feeling. It's going to be impossible to work together otherwise.

Not for the first time, I wonder if I made the decision to come here too hastily. Despite thinking the opposite just five minutes ago.

My brain is already fried. Don't even get me started on my heart.

I decide to go for a shower and wash my hair. Weirdly, taming my curls always calms me down. It took me a long time to get them back after years of killing my mane with straighteners, and I had to experiment a lot with different products but I finally was rewarded for my efforts. So now I have a routine in place, and a lot of pride every time my hair dries the way I want it to. I'm in control of something in my life at least.

After I've smoothed gel through my hair and scrunched it up, I turn my attention to my face. Another bloody minefield. I have wasted way too many hours of my life researching skincare and, to be perfectly honest, I'm still none the wiser. So I do my lazy routine - some cleansing oil followed by a few drops of hyaluronic acid serum - and slather moisturiser over my face and neck, before I arm myself with my make-up bag.

By the time I've turned myself into something resembling a human, it's a little after ten o'clock and now I'm wondering again "what next?" Go to mass? I have to laugh at that random Sunday thought; I think the last time I set foot in a chapel was for a wedding about ten years ago. That would probably be my mum's suggestion though if she were with me. She likes a good mass.

As I'm pulling a warm jumper over my head, there's a knock at my door. I'm delighted to see it's Angus; I'm craving some human contact that isn't colder than that loch outside appears to be.

His infectious grin immediately warms me up. It's a soothing balm after the sting of Ryan's attitude towards me. "You got any plans for today?" He asks and I shake my head. "I was planning on popping up to Ullapool for some supplies soon if you wanted to join me?"

I lean against the doorframe, scrunching my face up in mock indecision. "Do you promise not to drive like a maniac this time?" I'm only half-joking. I also think I might be flirting a bit. Partly because my confidence needs a boost but also because I'd forgotten how bloody hot he is.

"I'll do my best," he says, winking.

"Then how can I refuse?"

He tells me he'll meet me out front in an hour and I watch him as he pushes open the main door to the building and saunters outside. He has a very nice arse, I note.

Wow, I am perving all over the place today.

It suddenly strikes me, out of the blue, that it's been over a year since I've actually had sex. And I've obviously not been particularly missing it, or I would have considered this sooner. But now . . . Now, with gorgeous men like Ryan and Angus around, I'm bound to start feeling a little horny.

Okay okay, a lot horny. I will hold my hands up and admit it.

"You do realise he's only 23."

I almost burst out of my own skin in fright as Ryan's voice cuts through the quiet corridor from a few feet away. He's now, thankfully, fully dressed in a slim fitting blue shirt and black trousers, and I'm surprised that he lives in this staff block too. I figured he probably stayed in the hotel itself but, oh no, of course he's in the room right next to me.

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