Chapter 59

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We appraised each other across the long, mahogany dining table

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We appraised each other across the long, mahogany dining table. How I'd always taken this table for granted, I thought. Dinner each night as a child. Glancing up eagerly when my father joined us, only to be ignored and eventually dismissed.

"We lost him," Michael said, breaking the silence.

He looked different to how I remembered him. Taller, wider. More sure of himself. Unwavering eye contact.

"There's something more urgent I need your help with," I told him.

His brow tightened. "What is it, miss?"

"Sit," I told him, doing so myself.

I scooped a serving of shepherd's pie for each of us. Poured a glass of whiskey. I downed the burning liquid, leaving fire across my lips, and turned my food to mush with my fork.

"If you tell a soul what we discuss, I won't spare you again," I warned him.

He nodded once, taking a small bite of his food. "Noted."

"My father has fled the country. The business has been dissolved. The Islington house is gone, and by the end of the week, debt collectors will be coming for this one."

Michael's eyes widened slightly in shock. "They're taking everything?"

My lips twitched into an ironic smile. "My father promised them everything. So, yes."

"What about the horses?"

"This is what I need to find out. As my accountant, and under the guise of a still-functioning Birmingham Boys, I need you to gather an accurate overview of everything. And then gain access to my father's arrangements. Roberts is no use. Reading between the lines, I'm guessing my father abandoned him as much as the rest of us. He's not interested."

"So, it's just you and I?" Michael asked. "We're the only ones left?"

I leaned back in my chair. "Just you and I."

"Can we not keep things going between us?" He asked. "I know my mum would give me a loan, and the Shelby company's bringing some coin in now they—"

"No," I said sharply. "I don't want them knowing about this. Okay, Michael? I need your word."

He stared at me for a moment. "But Miss, if you lose the house..."

"I have enough cash for a hotel while I decide what to do," I said. "In any case, I will be fine."

"I won't let it come to that," he said quietly.

I ignored the implied meaning behind his words. "Good. I'm counting on it. We'll begin tonight." I swallowed the last of the whiskey. "We still have all the files and records. We'll work out our position, then you'll go to the debt collectors first thing tomorrow for that information."


I sighed. "Michael, don't make me sack you again."

He finished eating and stood to his feet. "Right you are. Let's get to work."


We worked tirelessly through the night, balancing sheets and checking transactions. When Michael left the next morning, I continued, fighting the headache and heavy eyes that threatened to consume me. Every now and then the handwritten lines all blurred into one and my brain refused to function. I might have even fallen asleep sat up, the door slam indicator of Michael's return jolting me back to reality.

"What did they say?" I asked quickly, scrambling to my feet.

But Michael shook his head. "It's no use. He hasn't given them a pound value, he's promised them everything."

My mouth dropped open. "How the fuck does that work?"

"Could be the judge didn't file the paperwork correctly. Could be they know your father's so filthy rich it doesn't matter." Michael shrugged. "Either way, we're fucked. The business is gone. The Boys will realise this week, if they haven't already."

"And then they'll turn on me." I swallowed. "With no threat of my father to keep them in line."

Michael placed a strong hand on my upper arm. "I won't let that happen," he promised.

"Would you do me a favour, Michael?" I asked. "Take Glimmer to one of the Peaky Blinder stables. She needs to be long gone before the debt collectors get here. They're not taking her, too."

"You trust me with her?" He asked.

"I don't trust anyone with her. But I'm about to pass out, and I need it done this morning, while we're still a few days out. If the debt collectors think we're stashing assets to dodge them, we'll be in deep shit."

Michael nodded. "I'll do it now."

"Michael?" I stopped him, before he left. "Thank you."

"I wish I could do more," he said.

I shook my head. "This isn't on you."

He gave a small smile and left. With heavy eyes, I dragged myself to my bedroom, and collapsed beneath the covers.

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