Chapter 6

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True to Tommy's word, the roar of Arthur's laughter woke me from a fitful sleep the next morning, accompanied by the scraping of curtains being thrown open

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True to Tommy's word, the roar of Arthur's laughter woke me from a fitful sleep the next morning, accompanied by the scraping of curtains being thrown open.

"Rise and shine, Kimber," he greeted me with a wicked grin. "We're early risers, us Shelby's."

I'd managed to position myself as comfortably as I could, lying on my side with my arms stretched out before me to the handcuffed headboard. Even so, my body ached. I needed a hot bath and a long walk.

"I'm afraid I'm not a Shelby," I retorted, "and so I'll rise when I please."

I squeezed my eyes shut as the morning glare filled the room. I became furious with my body, so desperate for rest when I needed to be alert. With a clenched jaw, I pulled myself upright.

"There you go," Arthur grinned. "Now, come on and wash up. Today's very important."

I dreaded the answer before I even asked. "Why is today important?"

Arthur uncuffed my hands from the bed, keeping a far further distance than Tommy had. "Because today's the first demand. You'll get to speak to your father once again."

"What will you be demanding?" I massaged my sore wrists before Arthur clamped a hand around my bicep and led me from the room.

"Now, that would ruin the surprise. Not sure why I've been left to deal with you, mind," he muttered. "Tommy's far too keen on that barmaid, if you ask me. Goes down to the Garrison just to ogle her."

I hesitated at the bathroom door. "Arthur... these clothes are a bit old now. I've slept in them."

He blinked.

"Is there anything else I can wear?" I asked.

"Fucking hell," he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm afraid my trousers will be too big on you."

I set my jaw. I'd been stupid to ask. I was ready to shut the door and make do when he spoke again.

"Ada might have something. You'd be of a similar size. Hang on."

And he left. Walked along the corridor, knocked on a door and ducked out of sight. My heart hammered in my chest. I was alone. Cuffed, but free to move. My eyes flickered to the staircase, trying to memorise the route through this dark house to the front door. Would anyone be downstairs to stop me? Would the shock be enough to give me a headstart? Sure, the Blinders would own most of the police in Small Heath, but if I could just hide somewhere until it got dark, slip out of town...

My toes moved an inch but Arthur came back into view, striding along with fabric in his arms. I stilled myself at once. Fuck. I'd missed my chance.

"Some dress of Ada's," he grumbled. "Be thankful she's a communist. Very generous, they are."

I chose not to comment on the matter, instead slipping inside the bathroom to bathe and dress. I ransacked the cupboards as quietly as I could manage, looking for anything I could use in defence, but found no more than a comb and toothpaste. I used both and, suitably refreshed, came back to Arthur who led me downstairs.

He cuffed me back to the same table as the day before. My spine began to protest almost immediately, as though it remembered.

"Rise and shine," came the unmistakeable voice of Thomas Shelby, entering the room. He looked smart, clean and ironed. "I hope you had a good sleep. God knows you made enough of a fuss for it."

Just the sight of him set my anger in motion. "And how did you sleep?" I asked. "With the barmaid?"

He stilled, gazing darkly at me and then turning to Arthur, eyebrows raised.

Arthur shrugged. "She's a good listener. I talk."

"Enough mucking around," Tommy dismissed, though I could see his tough exterior had the smallest of dents after the exchange. "We'll be calling Billy Kimber again. Arthur, fetch John. Best he's present."

Arthur left the room and Tommy brought the phone to the table, sitting beside me. He ran a finger along the earpiece.

"How long do you think it'll take for him to give in?" He asked me, almost absent-mindedly.

"He won't," I replied. "My father doesn't give in. He kills his problems."

Tommy turned his head. "And would it be you or me that's his problem?"

I met his gaze. "I'd say both of us."


John and Arthur came into the room and Tommy dialled, pressing the earpiece against my cheek.

"Tell him we want a quarter of his races signed over to our name, or you'll earn a beating." I must have visibly paled, because he took a breath before speaking again. "It's nothing personal, sweetheart. It's business."

His fingertips twitched against my cheek as the phone dialled. My heart hammered against my chest.


I exhaled a shaky breath. "Father, it's me."

He swore. "My boys not pulled you out yet?"

"N-no," I said nervously, praying the others couldn't hear.

"Listen. You hang tight in there. Us Kimbers do not give in. When this all blows over, you have your pick of which Shelby you want to kill. Alright?"

"Tell him," Tommy said coldly.

I faltered. "They want to make a demand."

My father paused. "They fucking what?"

"A quarter cut of your races," I whispered. "Or they'll beat me."

I heard my father sigh. "Tell them they can get fucked."

"No, father, you don't understand—"

"A few more days, you'll be out of there. Whatever they do to you, handle it. And don't spill the beans on anything you've overheard from my boys, is that understood?"

Tears threatened to prick at my eyes. I gulped, steeling myself, refusing to cry in front of a Shelby. I set my jaw but couldn't form words, not yet. I finally glanced up to see Tommy watching me with that inextricable look on his face once more. He tore the earpiece from my face, fingers grazing my cheekbone.

"Listen here, Kimber," he said darkly. "You've got to be a real sick piece of shit to not give a fuck what happens to your own daughter. Or should we have taken your accountant instead?" Tommy paused as my father answered. "I agree. She is made of tough stuff. Which is why she's worth protecting." He slammed the earpiece down and rose from his seat at once, lighting a cigarette.

Arthur shifted. "So, he didn't give into our demands then."

Tommy slammed a hand down on the table, so suddenly I flinched. "He's making us look like fucking imbeciles!" He shouted. "Like gypsy savages, kidnapping his young for sport!"

"What do we do, Tom?" John asked. "Take her back?"

I waited with equal parts dread and anticipation.

"There's nothing for it," he said. He refused to look me in the eye. The butt of his cigarette landed on the wooden floor. "We have to send a strong message. We have to kill her."

Kimber's Daughter - Tommy Shelby x Reader Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now