Chapter 58

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"Your father isn't here

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"Your father isn't here."

The walls of the prison visiting room closed in around me. I gave a deathly cold smile to the warden, barely able to believe the words he had said, the echo ringing in my ears. I'd barely slept last night in anticipation of this moment. I'd finally had the nerve to face my father. To have a moment of catharsis.

"What do you mean he's not here?" I clenched my hands into fists, feeling the bite of my nails digging into my palms.

The warden sighed, stamping paperwork. "He was released weeks ago."

"There must have been a mistake," I said.

"Miss Kimber, I don't have time for this. Take it up with your father."

"Well, where did he go?" I asked.

The warden shrugged. "His accountant picked him up after the court hearing."

Roberts. A dull ache settled in the pit of my stomach. I could feel something was off, I just didn't know what. I was quickly losing control, and it terrified me.


Roberts didn't pick up on the first ring. Or the second, or third. I paced back and forth through the sitting room, trying not to think about how Tommy's arms had felt around me here, trying not to think about Michael and a handful of other Peaky Blinders currently bringing Grubs back to Birmingham, trying not to think about any of it.

But I yearned for him, for Thomas Shelby. I felt empty and broken, lost and confused, and all I wanted was to bury my head into his chest and have him tell me it would be okay, we would sort this out.

I set my mouth in a thin line, walked back to the telephone, and dialled Roberts' number again. I would call relentlessly. I would not leave him alone, day and night, until I got answers.

Finally, he answered. Sounding exhausted, "Hello?"

"Roberts. I've been trying to reach you all day."

He cleared his throat. "Miss Kimber. What can I do for you?"

"Where is my father?" I ran my thumb across the candlestick phone. "The prison warden says he's been set free."

Roberts was silent before answering. "We appealed the charges. Your father won."

My stomach dropped. "That's great news," I said, though I felt no joy, only anxiety. "Is... Is he at the Islington house? I'll go to him at once."

"No, Miss Kimber." His voice became more and more strained. "He's gone to the Americas."

I swallowed. "Alright. When will he be back?"

"I don't think he is coming back."

Tears pricked at my eyes. A lump formed in my throat, and I held my breath to force the emotion down. "In that case, how can I reach him? I'll need to speak with him about the business."

"Miss Kimber... There is no business. Your father is selling all his assets." No. No no no. "He has already sold the Islington property. I'm so sorry, I thought you knew."

I sank into the chair. My head was spinning. "He needs to call me, Roberts. I need to talk to him. There's been a mistake."

"I'm no longer in contact with him, Miss. He has dissolved everything. He no longer has any employees."

I stared out the window, across the grounds. I watched the trees swaying in the wind. Would I have to tell all the men? Or would I simply leave, letting them figure it out for themselves when their cheques stopped coming through?

And what about Sabini? My father had left me with no protection. No home.

Left me with nothing.

"I'll buy it from him," I told Roberts. I swallowed my tears. "I'll buy the lot. The business, everything."

"With all due respect, Miss, you have no assets. No income. Debt collectors will be by to seize the house. The business has already been dissolved."

"Does he know?" I asked through clenched teeth. "Does he know I took a knife for him?"

"I believe that incident is what prompted him to leave, Miss. He paid off the judge shortly after."

Using his property and business as collateral. It all made sense now.

"And he didn't think to check how I was?" I asked.

Roberts sighed. "Look, Miss. You want my advice? Find yourself a husband, before word of this gets out. Build a new life. Forget about all this business. You might even thank him for it, one day."

I considered his words. "Not a chance," I said calmly. "Goodbye, Roberts."

I hung up the phone. Then I hovered for a moment — unsure if I was going to cry, be sick, or fall apart.

My head burned, and so I held it in my hands. There was only one person I needed. One person I'd come to rely on in this business, who had any chance of helping me sort out this mess.


"Polly?" I whispered through the phone. "I need Michael here. Now."

Kimber's Daughter - Tommy Shelby x Reader Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now