Chapter 21

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Taking Arthur's extended hand, I pulled myself to my feet, wobbling a little at the top

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Taking Arthur's extended hand, I pulled myself to my feet, wobbling a little at the top. I focused really, really hard on balancing... and stayed up. I grinned triumphantly. "See!"

"See what?"

I turned too quickly, and risked losing my balance again. Tommy looked even more breathtaking than when he'd left... how did that happen? The wind had been good to his hair, had brought colour to his cheeks. His expression was still guarded, closed off — after all, here, he was Thomas Shelby, not the Tommy I'd come to know. I marvelled at the colour of his eyes, how light they were, like Crystal chandeliers.

He raised his eyebrows. I blushed, suddenly aware I'd been staring. I wondered if I should apologise.

"All this excitement, eh, Tom," John said quickly, taking his brother by the arm and leading him to the balcony. "You know what race days are like. When's the next mare racing?"

"She's up next. You coming, Kimber?"

John and Arthur exchanged nervous glances. I let out a small laugh, unable to help myself. "I don't know, Shelby. Am I?"

John bit his lip. Arthur sighed. Tommy stared between us all for a moment, as though finally piecing things together.

"They're at the gates, we don't want to miss it," John said, trying once again to redirect his brother.

I had the sense John wanted me to stay inside, away from Tommy. I frowned. I wasn't going to miss this race, Thomas be damned. I pushed the door open once more and followed them out to the balcony, grasping onto the ledge as I looked out across the course.

The horses were indeed at the gates. I leaned over the edge further, enjoying the feeling of blood rushing to my head, compounding the dizzying sensation. A small smile spread across my face. I love whiskey, I thought. No wonder the Peaky Blinders drank so much.

"John?" Tommy asked.

The wind whipped at my hair. I'd never felt so free.

"Yeah, Tom?" John answered.

I pulled myself upright once more. Then I decided that was boring. I tipped myself over the balcony again, eyes closed, smiling.

Tommy's voice was calm as he spoke, barely concealing the threat beneath. "How much has she had to drink?"

I heard John shift in his seat. My smile widened. Why wasn't anyone laughing? Tommy was hilarious when he got worked up. Okay, he had a gun, and he'd probably kill anyone who dared make fun of him. But still. Hilarious.

"Not much, Tom, honest," Arthur answered for John. "Think she'll be tired. All the travelling."

"Excitement," John added.

Tommy paused just for a moment. "Is that why there's three whiskey glasses out here?"

The horses lurched from their gates. I gasped, throwing my head back to see them. There was our other chestnut mare, clear in the lead already. I brought my hands together to clap in excitement, my hips pinned against the ledge the only thing keeping me from falling.

That is, until a familiar pair of hands slid around my waist. The contact sent jolts of excitement through my body, fizzling out when I remembered. We're just pretending. I couldn't help but pout. Didn't Tommy realise how unfair this was? We had a rule against catching feelings, but how could we not? Did he really expect me to spend my life with his hands around me, his body beside mine, and not feel anything?

The mare's rider did not allow her to slow as they reached the second corner, pushing her at full speed. I winced, instinctively seeing the worst before it happened. The horse became all leg, stumbling and losing her footing, tumbling to the ground in a halo of dust.. Tommy's hands instinctively tightened around my waist in response. I brought my own hands to my mouth, pulling myself upright, all excitement forgotten. The mare thrashed about, whinnying frantically. The other horses thundered ahead, leaving her in the dust. The rider pushed himself from the ground and limped across. When he yanked her to her feet, she protested, throwing her head around. He didn't seem to care. I had to look away as his rod whistled through the air.

"Arthur?" Tommy's voice was smooth as silk beside me. "Pay the rider a visit. See to it he never rides another horse of ours again."

"On it," Arthur muttered.

"No," I said. I pushed myself away from the balcony, from Tommy's arms. "I'll go."

"Like hell you will, Kimber," Tommy said, his voice almost a growl. "Sit down."

"Sorry to disappoint, Shelby, but I'm not your slave anymore," I snapped, whirling round. "We talked about this. If you're going to order me around and restrict what I can do, you're no better than my father. And don't worry." I pushed the gate to the steps down to the course. "When I'm finished with him, he'll never ride any horse again."

Kimber's Daughter - Tommy Shelby x Reader Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now